Friday 31 August 2007

In the Cupboard

dear Eleanor,

I am improving my gross motor skills. However I got a bit stuck and it took a while for me to figure out that I had to put one foot backwards onto the floor.

Hope and her mum came over today and we went to the park. Mum is useless on the swing car. She gets too scared.The knees of her jeans are a bit worn out from stopping half way down the slope.

I managed to hold onto and move around on the flying saucer (plastic disc with long upright chain attached to ground at bottom and frame at top).

see you tomorrow,

love Rosie XX

Thursday 30 August 2007

Back to School

dear Helene,

Thankyou for the photos of your visit last year when I turned four.

Today I returned to school. The SPCA brought in a homeless puppy which I loved playing with but mum wouldn't let me bring it home.

The teachers and therapists at school have constructed an Individual Plan for me. The main emphasis seems to be increasing my attention span and gross motor skills.

love Rose Helene XX

Wednesday 29 August 2007

Meet and Greet

dear Aunty Jenny,

I have been very sick for the past week with high fevers but finally I am on the mend. The Doctor says I had influenza even though I had a flu shot at the beginning of Winter.

Yesterday Eleanor and mum took me downtown to meet the Indonesians whom Dad has been taking care of. They came to see how our health services work. I was a bit sick to stay very long.
I hear you are coming to visit for a few days because there were cheap seats on offer on GrabaSeat today. I look forward to seeing you.

love Rosie XX

Monday 27 August 2007

Mango jelly

Hi Bill,

I am sorry you are sick also.

The good news today is that mum has finally stocked up on mango jelly from the Newtown supermarket. It is my favourite food and the only one I really want to eat at the moment. I have a PECS card for mango jelly. It took me like 5 seconds to recognise it and choose it.

I don't know where this photo comes from. I don't even think I have teeth.

love from Rosie XX

Sunday 26 August 2007

Pedal Car

dear Johnny,

Thankyou for your get well wishes. I have been able to stay home today even though at times I still have a fever of around 40 degrees. I succeeded in a couple pushes with my legs on this car at the hospital. It was fun. When are you and your piano tuner friend coming to visit? I have to remind Dad that he has to make him a roast chicken dinner. I am using the piano more often now with Carolyn. Please give Danial a hug from me.

love Rosiepo XX

Saturday 25 August 2007

Happy Hospitals

dear Tehzeeb,

I am spending the weekend in hospital. It is such a shame as the weather is lovely. There are daffodils and it is nearly spring. However I had a fever of 40.7 degrees and so I was brought to Accident and Emergency at midday on Saturday and admitted. I have had a chest xray and do not have pneumonia. It seems like it is a nasty virus. It is now Sunday night and still I am having fevers. The worse bit is being sponged down. I hate it. The next worst bit is that I didn't get to spend y
esterday with Eleanor and maybe I don't even get to go to school tomorrow. I am feeling very sorry for myself.

love Rosie XX

Thursday 23 August 2007


dear Jeanette,

You would love this shop. You open the door and the aroma envelops you, drowning all of the senses. The chocolate maker is czechslovakian and in love with his chocolates.

There are some made with old czech liquor and there are chilli and wasabi but there also the traditional chocolates. Something for everyone.

love Rosie XXX

Wednesday 22 August 2007

Singing for all

dear Godparents,

My singing career has been launched! Today at school assembly in the hall I performed. Old Macdonalds' farm was sung, E-I-E-I and then silence, into which I sung my 'O'.

This morning on 'Old Macdonalds' farm visited school. There were baby orphan lambs, a goat, rabbit and a Shetland pony. I patted them all and fed the lamb. Then I helped push the wheelchairs and walkers for the other children so they could have a turn too.

love Rosiepo XXXX

Tuesday 21 August 2007

Little Monkees

Hi Julian,

This cradle is called a jhoola. I lived in it when I was a very little baby.

Today after school I went to Little Monkees. I went there with school a couple of weeks ago. It has big play castles, a large pool of small coloured balls, a ride on and merry go round. There is one space which has continuous tv going on a big screen. Hope was there. It was fun.

Love Rosie XX

Monday 20 August 2007

Parents respite care

dear Alex,

Mum and dad took a day off today. They went up the coast to the sunshine and spent the day in a beach house looking over the sea. At sunset they drank wine from Castelnou and remembered our trip there all those years ago.

I went to school and then swimming where I was non-cooperative as I just felt like doing my own thing for a change. Poor Eleanor.

I hope your job in London is going well,

love Rosie XX

Sunday 19 August 2007


dear Godfather,

The pretty fairy dress still fits me, though this photo is from when I was just turning three. Now I am five.

Today at school a photographer came and took photos of me. I am going to be on a website marketing sleep suits and bibs for children who have feeding difficulties. I got to curl up in a sleep suit with a teddy bear.

Holly came to my place after school. Mum says it is like herding cats when we are both together. We both had music with Carolyn and played recorders together. Carolyn has a big circular drum, like a closed in tambourine that is full of very little ball bearings. When you hold it about your head they swish from side to side and sound like a loud sea.


McTosie XXX

Saturday 18 August 2007

A Long Weekend

dear Wendy,

Happy Birthday. Mum has just got back from your 50th and really enjoyed herself. She loved dancing to all those songs from 40 years ago!

I had a good time with Tania andTenika and all their family. I watched netball and saw kids I used to go to creche with.

On Sunday I had afternoon tea with Eleanor's mum. She has lots of lights, and a computer, and a music box. She had made me some pink fluffy stuff that I wasn't too sure about. It is important to be careful when people try to give you new foods. I found that out with lemon and lime pickle.

love Rosie

Thursday 16 August 2007

Special friend day at school

dear Eleanor,

Yasmine came to morning tea at my school this morning, as my special friend. Some kids had their grandfathers, or grandmothers. My niece came over from her school as well with lots of her classmates. They pushed me up and down the hall on the trike.

Then mum took me to the doctor who ordered a blood test. The nurse at the clinic found a vein but I squirmed and yelped and the needle came out. So then I had to go to a laboratory. Mum and a nurse held me down and another nurse put the syringe in. I was not at all happy.

I am glad you are coming to look after me tonight,

lots of love

Rosie po XXX

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Happy Birthday

dear Jenny and Richard,

Happy Birthday. Mum remembers when you were born. She ran to every classroom in the school to tell the teacher that her mum had had twins.

My finger is still very swollen. It seems like the antibiotics are not having any effect.

My teacher was happy with me today as I signed 'myself' and 'toilet' at appropriate times. She is trying to get me nod and shake my head but I can't quite figure that one.

This photo is from my first birthday.

love Rosie XX

Tuesday 14 August 2007


dear Georgie,

Today I went to Holly's place and climbed onto her swing. I was able to use my feet to swing myself backwards and forwards. It was fun.

At school today I had speech lesson and music. When it is time to leave school I don't say 'bye' as I don't really want to leave.

I don't know why but I get given a lot of sheeps. Here is one on my hat and one on my school bag. I even have slippers with sheeps on as well.

Love Rosie XX

Daddy came home

dear Yasmine,

Daddy arrived home this evening. I came in from my swimming lesson with Eleanor and there he was. My swimming lessons are going well. I can kick more now and move my arms. I still have to be held at the waist though.

Tonight I had to replace the batteries in my light doll. The one that TT gave me for my birthday. It sings me to sleep everynight but last night it stopped.

Thankyou for looking after me on Saturday night,

love Rosie XX

Sunday 12 August 2007

Swollen little finger

dear Johnny,

I have a very swollen little finger. The doctors doesn't know what it is. He said if I was old then it could be gout. It has now been xrayed and so we know it is not broken. It has been swollen for a week. I am going to start on antibiotics tomorrow.

Eleanor is looking after me this evening while mum has a break. I did really well in music therapy today. I like playing the piano, guitar and recorder. I hope you come an play guitar to me again soon,

lots of love Rosiepo XXX

Saturday 11 August 2007

Yasmine came to stay

Hi BJ,

Thankyou for having mum out for dinner. She had fun and liked watching 'the Princess Bride'. I got to have a lovely evening with Yasmine and Eleanor. In the morning Yasmine was still there and she wore the pink bunny ears for me all morning. However she doesn't know the pink bunny song. Yasmine hadn't seen me for ages and she thinks I am getting smarter because I can sign 'more' and 'toilet'.

Mum is rewarding me for saying 'o' on the EIEI O of old Macdonald's farm. I finally have got the idea and managed to get three pieces of licorice today.

love Rosie XXX

Friday 10 August 2007

Piggy came to school

dear Grandma Stella,

Remember the piggy you gave me that sings 'my girl'. My teacher has one too and so I took mine to school and they both sang duet :)

I am sorry I didn't get to see you this year when I came up for my birthday. I hope you had a good time in Australia at Priscilla, Queen of the Dessert.

I am doing very well at school. I was allowed to walk to the supermarket to buy bread on Friday and on Monday I am part of a group that get to catch a bus and go to a cafe called 'Little Monkeys'. Sounds like my sort of cafe.

lots of love Rosiepo XX

Thursday 9 August 2007

At the Garage

Hi dad,

After school Eleanor, mum and I went out to collect the car. It now has a new transmission. I got to use the jack.

Mum was taking me to the supermarket but I fell asleep in the car and she stopped at Sue's instead. Matt looked after me and I got to climb up a very high bunk and bounce heaps on the trampoline in the wind and rain.

Lots of love Rosie XX

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Four eyes

Hi Dad,

You will have heard that I am back to wearing my glasses after seeing the eye doctor yesterday. We are experimenting for 9 months to see if it straightens my eyes.

I chose the guitar PECS symbol at music therapy today from amongst 15 symbols. Then I chose the piano symbol and got to play piano with Carolyn for the longest time.

When I arrived at school this morning it was exercise time and I got to exercise with my niece. We ran twice round the block. Or sort of ran.

lots of love Rosiepo XX

Tuesday 7 August 2007

A Year Ago

Dear Zhana,

It is nearly a year ago since I came to your country. It was fun at the hotel with the swimming pool, the outside cafe where we ate breakfast. There were grapes growing and a lovely fountain. In the play area there was even a bunker.

I enjoyed the walks on the main boulevard and eating pizza and gelato.

How is Bobo? Give him a hug from me.

love Rosie XX

Monday 6 August 2007

Swimming along

dear Beata,

I go to school now. It is a special school where I learning to use a knife and fork to feed myself. At school I get to play outside a lot to improve my walking and climbing.

I now have a babysitter who has biked all over South America by herself and written a book. She has a lot of fun with me, just like you used to when I lived in Paris. Tonight we went to my swimming lesson and she is helping me learn to kick and move my arms in the pool.

Love Rosie XXX

Photos for Passport

Hi Dad,

The photographer took over 50 photos but couldn't get one without me smiling. Maybe I won't be able to get my passport renewed after all.

I went to visit my old creche today and had lots of fun playing with the kids outside. They remembered me and were very friendly.

In music therapy I was able to select the guitar symbol and then later on I recognised the bath symbol.

I have grown out of this coat and given it to your great-niece. I bet she loves it.

lots of love Rosiepo XX

Sunday 5 August 2007

Palais de Justice

Dear Patrizia,

You are shifting back home? Now I am five. I lived half my life in Paris and half here. This photos was when we filed my papers for adoption at Palais de Justice. It was such a long time ago. I forgot how to kiss on the cheeks, but today my godmother was here and I learnt all over again.

I hope you and all of your family, including your lovely mother are well. Mum promises that one day she will cook the lasagne you taught her and the tiramisu,

Love Rosie XX

Saturday 4 August 2007

Swiming in a Circle

dear Eleanor's mum,

Thankyou for the swimming ring. I love it as you can see. It was fun swimming with Eleanor today.

This morning I had a bath with my godmother. I had to clamber over her to get to the shampoo which I love to empty into the bath as it makes lots of bubbles.

Dad is still away in Pakistan but when he gets back, we are looking forward to visiting and having date scones,

Rosie XX

Thursday 2 August 2007

Visitors at Home

Hi dad,

My godmother and mum's friend have come to stay for the weekend. They came and joined in music therapy with us. Mum is letting me play on the computer just to keep me busy while they talk and tomorrow I am having lots of time with Eleanor and Bridey so they can play.

I went to see the paediatrician this morning and he is changing the dosage of my medication to try and control the small seizures I have been having. I will increase the clobazam and decrease the topiramate.

Love Rosie XXX

Picture Exchange

Hi Eleanor,

Today I biked (with some help) all the way from school to Spotlight. It took ages and we stopped for morning tea on the way. All of my class came on the big outing.

After school my support worker from creche came to see me with her daughter, Anna. We played with Mr Potato head and friends.

In music therapy I started using the guitar symbol rather than the photo. Mum and Carolyn were very happy.
Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday,

love Rosie

Wednesday 1 August 2007

Robbie dog

Dear Grandma and Robbie,

Thank you for the photo of Robbie. Can you send me a soft copy?

Today we had music at school where a musician comes in with lots of instruments. I got to play the piano. We also had water play and I got soaking wet. After school we went to Holly's where she blew bubbles for me and bounced me on the trampoline. Her mum gave me a whole bowl of grated cheese which I was able to feed myself. Then for dinner we went to Bill's place and I was able to sign 'more' and gets lots of glasses of bubbly water.

Love Rosie XX