Wednesday 26 September 2007

Cookie Bear

dear Jo,

Cookiebear has settled in well on my bed. I look after him but I am sure he misses you. He fits my t-shirts quite nicely.

It is school holidays and every day there has been a freezing southerly. At least the swimming pool is warm. I play with my swing car up and down the hallway and am getting lots better at steering.

Mum is going away for several weeks. She hasn't told me but I can see the suitcase in the bedroom. She has been on my back to learn some colours, so it will be a bit relaxing for me when she goes, as long as Dad doesn't start.


Rosie XXX

Sunday 23 September 2007

English tea

dear Ghaffarlites,

I am actually able to hold a cup on my own. My friend Eleanor took me to see her dad and this is how he gives me tea. Maybe it is an English tradition?

I am having my first school holidays. I am finally learning how to sleep in. Some mornings I don't get up until 7.00am. I lie in my bed and play with my dolls just like my friend Hope does when she comes to visit me.


Rosie XX

Thursday 20 September 2007

End of Term

dear Evis,

Today was the last day of school for this semester. I wore this lovely dress you gave me last year at this time, when I was in Tirana. It still looks very pretty.

Today at school the teacher's son came and played guitar. I was able to dance to some of the songs by doing my little bounce up and down. I love listening to the guitar.
When I was little, daddy used to take me to the Pompidou Centre on a Sunday and the Vietnamese man would sing 'Proud Mary' for Daddy and then a special song for me.


Rosie XXXX

Wednesday 19 September 2007

Lemons don't taste so good

dear Grandma Stella,

I chose this nice looking yellow fruit out of the fruit bowl but it tasted eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

I hope you can come and visit me this Summer. I am staying on the island in the old house. I am being promised lots of trips to the beach. Mum and Dad are buying me a wetsuit so I can swim in the sea.

A classmate at school turned 8 today and his parents brought in a wonderful cheesecake. I didn't eat any of my bakedbeans for lunch. Who would choose baked beans over cheesecake?
see you at Christmastime,

love Rosiepo.

Super Talker

dear Eleanor,

When can we go biking again?

In circle time today at school I got to use the super-talker. Mum had recorded messages for me. My teacher then recorded messages for me so that after school other people could know what had happened in my day. I got to pat a guinea pig, help make a farewell card, play with water and play outside at lunchtime. I also tried to learn some colours.

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday,

love Rosiepo XXX

Monday 17 September 2007

Chocolate Rooster

dear Helene,

The French Embassy delivered this to our school today for all the students. It was made by their chef.

At school today I had a spa, then played on a swing and in the afternoon I had sports. After school Eleanor took me for my swimming lesson.

Dad is away visiting my grandmother in hospital as she has had a severe heart attack. She is 96 years old.

Did I tell you I was learning to sign. Mainly I do the sign for 'more' and it works very well. People keep doing what I want them to.

love Rose Helene XXX

Friday 14 September 2007


dear Bill,

As you can see I am also very sporty, not that I can run yet. Glad to see you inhaling the fresh sea air with some speed. Bree took me for a fast walk around the block this morning, it took 15 minutes. There is some theory that if I do more physical exercise I will sleep longer. However I do think that dawn should not be missed.

The biggest downer is that there is now a 'no parking' sign on the computer keyboard. I am only allowed access when the sign is not there. How unfair is that?

hope to see you soon, Give Janet a kiss from me.

love Rosie XXX

Thursday 13 September 2007

End of Week


dear Aunty Jenny,

I am glad you came to stay again. I hope you can come again soon. Today I had leftover sausages from last night's dinner party, for lunch.

I went swimming in the morning with the school group and I got to play at the primary school over the road. My new legbrace is supporting my leg very well.

We are still learning colours at school. I just can't seem to get the hang of it.

love Rosiepo XXX

Tuesday 11 September 2007

Leg Brace

dear Godparents,

Today I went to the Orthotic Centre after school to collect my new leg brace. It has lovely purple flowers on it.

The fitting was a little embarrassing as I had drunk a very large pump bottle of water in the car and my huggies pull-ups didn't quite deal with the resulting situation.

There was a shy Sikh gentleman doing the fitting. He was very nice but I wasn't allowed to touch his hat.

Love to you all, Rosie McTosie XXX

Monday 10 September 2007

Fibre Optics

dear Julie,

Today at school I got to sit in a dark room with lots of starry lights. I was transfixed. When the teacher came to check on me I just kept signing 'more', 'more'. Then my Aunty Jenny came with mum to collect me and took me out of the room. Jenny is staying with us for a few days.

The photo is from when Old MacDonalds Farm visited school. I got to feed the lamb with a bottle.

Eleanor has taken me to my swim lesson this afternoon. I am glad she is better.

love Rosie XX


dear Yasmine,

Thankyou for visiting on Saturday. I was so happy to see you again. You know that Eleanor has been very sick. She caught my flu off me.

I went to Staglands yesterday. There were lambs, bunnies, kunikuni pigs and horses. Best of all, there was a swing bridge. While I wasn't that keen on walking on the footpaths, I didn't want any help at all with the bridge. It crosses a river and you can bounce as you walk along and make people very nervous that you might fall through the sides.

love Rosiepo XXXX

Wednesday 5 September 2007

My uncle and his guitar

dear Johnny,

I am starting to learn the sign for 'yes'. You have to make a fist and then wave it up and down. I thought waving both hands furiously and shouting 'eeeeeeee' as I have always done was pretty obvious but that's not the rules.

I am having a bit of trouble following the rules in the classroom. The teachers have a goal of my being still for 10 minutes. They call my constant interest in all that goes on around me 'flitting'.

Mum used this word yesterday to describe me to the man from Capital Support. He was here to assess if I need any additional support. He ended up talking about parent respite. Really I don't see why my parents would need respite from me.

lots of love

Rosiepo XX

Sunday 2 September 2007

Happy Fathers Day

dear Grandad,

Belated happy birthday. Yesterday for Fathers Day I gave Daddy two coasters that I had painted myself at school. He really likes them.

So this week you are off to the Melbourne Fashion Show? I wish I was going with you but I would hate to miss school. Today I got to play on the computer with one of my classmates. I sat on her to make sure I had maximum access.

love Rosie XX

Saturday 1 September 2007

Bikie Girl

dear Yasmine,

I finally got to have a ride on a bike. Mum bought this seat three years ago on ebay in France but I never got to use it.

Eleanor rode round and round the school grounds and I held on tightly to her seat. I laughed and smiled and when I got off I sang. Hope was with us and she had lots of turns as well.

Afterwards we went to the cafe at the cinema and had gelato icecream before taking Hope back home.

love Rosiepo XX