Thursday 24 January 2008

Aptitude for Climbing

dear Eleanor,

I miss you. Mummy rings from Pakistan. It is Winter and cold in the morning but warm during the day. She is travelling in Lahore and does not feel unsafe.
Yesterday I climbed onto the roof. I was very happy. I know mummy and you didn't think I would be able to do it. Daddy came up the stairs because I was being very quiet and then he saw that I had managed to climb over the balcony sill and was squatting very proudly in the middle.
Of course I didn't go near the edge but Daddy was very frightened. I am not even allowed up the stairs now. :(
lots of love

Sunday 20 January 2008

Stranded on an Island

dear Uncle Johnny,

Mummy has gone to Pakistan, again. She left me here with Daddy and Eleanor. But then Yasmine turned up for the weekend. I thought this was very exciting until they made me walk all the way up the hill from Whakanewha. That is the beach where the dotterels are breeding.

I am glad you came to see me last week. Are you still working on the song that you are writing for me?



Monday 14 January 2008


dear Glenda and Billy,

Eleanor took this photo. She wouldn't let me have the camera and so I wouldn't let her push my push chair.

Today I was taken to Palm Beach. It was a sneaky move by mummy. At Onetangi I am only prepared to drive the car and not swim. At Palm Beach as I couldn't see the car I sort of forgot about it. I had a great time on the lilo. Uncle Johnny was there and Helen and I floated between them and mummy for over half an hour.

Milos is in the kitchen now making Roast chicken dinner and we are having New York Cheese cake again for dessert. Even though it is Eleanor's day off she is going to take me for a bike ride before dinner.


Rosiepo XXXXXX

Friday 11 January 2008

Billy and I

dear Chelle,

Glenda and Billy have been visiting us for the past four days. Billy is a retrodoodle. I can't take a photo at the moment because I have destroyed the lens cover on our camera. Billy is 13 months old. He lets me pat him, and pull his tail, and kiss him. I also share his water bowl with him.

I try to ride Billy, like the ponies, but he goes round and round in a circle. Sometimes he hides under the beds but I find him. The best fun is going down to the sea and throwing the ball. He swims very fast and retrieves it.

This photo is of my having private time playing in Eleanor's room.


Rosie XXXX

Sunday 6 January 2008

I Can Ride!

dear Allison

Thank you so much for organising to ride the pony. I am sorry I grizzled so much when it wasn't my turn. I felt very relaxed riding back up from the beach, patting the pony's neck and back and even taking my hands off the saddle.

Saturday 5 January 2008

Pony ride

dear Grandma Stella,

When are you coming to see us? Yesterday morning we went to the Ostend market. I was allowed to ride on the pony. We had already had pecan buns for breakfast but next Saturday we are going to have breakfast at the market. They have crepes and french pastries and fruit tarts.

Eleanor and Julie walked me all the way down the valley to Whakanewha. I spent the afternoon sleeping on the beach. In the evening people came to dinner on the deck. There

were many large homemade pizzas and icecreams. Later there were many mosquitos.



Thursday 3 January 2008

New Year's Disco

dear Grandma and Grandpa,

On New Years Eve I got invited to a disco. Daddy took me. There was a karaoke machine with flashing lights. There were also some other children there whom I tagged along behind.

Yesterday I went to the beach and Sam was there. Sam was there with a big red surfboard. Once I saw that I didn't like my boogie board anymore. Luckily Sam let me ride his board. However I got dumped fairly quickly and then I was cold and grizzly.
At the end of the beach is a warm stream that is good to sit in. There was a lady there and I went up to her and sat on her lap. Then I showed her all of my hand signs. She was very impressed but then Daddy came and took me away.


Wednesday 2 January 2008

Summer Driving

dear Aunty Judy,

Thankyou for the photo and for the photos of your grandaughter. I hope you are able to bring her over for a visit.

Eleanor arrived yesterday, she was very happy to see me after being away from me for two weeks. We went to the beach but I fell over in the sea immediately and then got too cold. We also did the big walk down the hill to the seashore and found some wild mint.

Yesterday was the Rocky Bay regatta. It has been going for 60 years. There were lots of people and boats and a big long string of international flags. In the old hall that we peered into when we went for a walk, they were serving devonshire teas.

see you again soon,



Tuesday 1 January 2008


dear Uncle Miguel, Mummy showed me the photo of you and your family. We have photos on our wall in the dining room of your village in Honduras and of mushrooms growing on a tree. This is the view from the deck of our home on the island. The sun disappears into the land beyond the sea. There has been a sunset every night since we arrived here.
I hope you come and visit some day.
Rosie XXX