Wednesday 30 July 2008

Wet wet world

dear Alex and Jamie,

It is exciting that you are moving to our part of the world and will be able to come and see us.

Send me a photo Jamie, of you with your hair shaved off. Maybe I could try that too?
Daddy is in Pakistan at the moment and coming home on Monday. He has been in Peshawar and has been stuck in the guest house because of security issues. When he walks down the street- just a few yards to the office, he is accompanied by two gunmen.

Tuesday 29 July 2008

Significant Achievements


I have two cool things to tell you about the Po. Firstly, she is making progress on the trike. Yesterday was a beautiful sunny afternoon and we went down to the school. I took the bell off the bike as it was a bit distracting, and used it as an incentive. When Rosie managed a couple of revolutions of the pedals she got to hold the bell and ring it for a few minutes. She hasn't quite worked out how to make the bike go all the time, but there were four or five moments where she managed it and made the trike roll for a few feet. I didn't expect her to make such fast progress, so it's all very promising.

The second thing is that this morning before school she picked up the cued articulation sheets that the speech therapist gave us. Rosie was sitting at her mirror and she studied the pictures for a while before looking at herself and quite clearly making the sign and noise for "T". She sat doing that for a few minutes, looking at the pictures of the therapist and then looking back at herself and making "T". It was very deliberate and clear.



Sunday 27 July 2008

Music Music Everywhere

dear Daddy,

Here I am multi-tasking as usual. I have worked out how to turn the IPod on and reach behind for the telephone. At the same time I can dance on the keys.
It is raining every day here at home. I went out with Eleanor this afternoon to her mum's place and then to see a flat that she might rent. Then we came back and Eleanor made excellent pink playdoh which we rolled and cut and rolled and cut.
lots of love

Friday 25 July 2008

Car Accident

Our car has been written off. Here it is at the Turners caryard. The insurance company gave it to them.
Mummy and I were driving in it and a man ran a give way sign and then crashed head on into us.
Mummy has lots of bruising in the chest but I am fine. I am just sad I don't get to drive the car anymore.

Friday 18 July 2008

Rosie presents

dear Daddy,
I hope you are safely in Islamabad and you worked out how to go through the express lane in Dubai.
This morning I went swimming with Caroline and this afternoon Hope and I are baking with Mel. We are making coconut rough. I know you wouldn't like it because you don't like coconut.
I miss you.
lots of love

Thursday 17 July 2008

Eleanor's innovations

dear Grandad,
Congratulations on winning the Paul Harris award at Rotary.
Eleanor has adapted the pedals on my trike and is teaching me to ride it. We had an hour at a school playground yesterday where she scooted me round and round.
Today mum and mel tried to bribe me with chocolate. I managed to do two pushes backwards.

Monday 14 July 2008

Last day on the Island

dear Glenda

Yesterday Judy came to visit with her grandaughter, Ella. She is two and a half. It was a lot of fun to have someone to play with. I pushed her round and round the deck on my trike and we played hiding games and made shapes with playdoh.

Tomorrow we are going to drive all the way home, leaving on an early boat. I hope that next time we come up we get to see Billy and you,



Saturday 12 July 2008


dear Eleanor,

This is a photo of daddy's room at Semliki. We are missing you up here on Waiheke. Kelly came over and played with me. She also cooked wonderful dinners and I got to eat the leftovers each day. She planted a herb garden and a vine, which is going to grow lots of grapes.

see you soon,



Friday 4 July 2008

Rosie and Red

dear Caroline,

Thankyou for taking me swimming this morning. Eleanor took this photo of me at the pool changing rooms. I do love swimming.

Mummy overcooked the pizza, didn't she? I do love sitting up at the table and eating pizza and seeing how much I can put in my mouth all at once.

See you in a fortnight,



Thursday 3 July 2008

Big Questions in Life

Mummy is going to receive three hours a week of housecleaning support for the next month, while her knee is sore.
This is provided by the national insurance agency.
Yesterday they rang to arrange it and mummy had to answer a questionnaire over the phone. She had to inform what were the duties that she needed assistance with. She then had to give her date of birth; whether she was married or not; who lived in our house. She was then asked what were her cultural and spriritual needs?
For three hours housecleaning! for four weeks!

Tuesday 1 July 2008

Remember when?

dear Uncle,
You haven't seen me for a few years.
Remember the last time I visited your home? You were on the telephone and I took a bite out of one of your fancy glasses. It wasn't very tasty.
It is winter here but we have a wonderful indoor pool close to the Mosque.
I have been taken swimming both yesterday and today.
Daddy is still in the jungle in Africa, so mummy is looking after me with
lots of help.