Thursday 29 January 2009

Court case

dear Aunty T,

This is Jamie who has been looking after me this summer. He learned to make bread rolls on the island. He is more handsome than he looks in this photo.
Mummy went to the court on Wednesday as a witness for the police, against the man who drove into us. He thinks he is not guilty of careless driving. What does he think he is going to say. That he carefully came through the give way sign and turned onto our side of the road and then carefully crashed into our car? The case was postponed because he didn't want to wait around all day to have it heard!
lots of love

Thursday 22 January 2009


dear Christian,
Here is the moon above my home on the island. As you can see nobody lives on it, unless they are hiding on the dark side.
I have an ear infection and am feeling a bit crazy with it.
Thankyou for taking me out last Sunday,

Monday 19 January 2009


dear Simon,

Did you know that you can feed christmas cakes after they have baked. You poke holes in them and then pour the brandy in. Today we cut a cake that has two cups of brandy in it. Usually I am not allowed alcohol because of my medicines, but an exception has been made :)

This morning I had to get up early to make the plane from Wellington to Auckland. Then there was a taxi ride and a boat ride and another car ride and after five hours of intensive travel, I am back enjoying the island.

lots of love

McTosie XXXX

p.s. this is a rare bird- it is called a dotterel and they are breeding them at a regional park here on the island.

Sunday 18 January 2009

Rosie's Red Shoes

dear Jamie's mum,
These are my new red shoes. I got them as a present a year ago and it has taken me a year to grow into them. I am very proud with them on.
Yesterday I went with Jamie, Richard and Christian down to Oriental Parade and we all went on a pedal car. There were two steering wheels and of course as I am a responsible driver, I was in charge of one of them.
Jamie is lots of fun to play with.

Friday 16 January 2009

Blowing bubbles

dear Gael and Germaine,,

I am still not talking but my dexterity is improving heaps. I managed to take the cap off this bottle of bubbles, put the stick in and blow. Okay - so bubbles didn't come but that it is a particularly difficult bubble stick. The bubble bottle is hard to see as it is the same colour as my shalwar kameez.
I hope you are both having a lovely summer. It is very windy here in Wellington today. Jamie, my friend, went roller blading and the wind blew him backwards.

A quick trip home

dear Bill,

The next door neighbour doesn't look so excited to see me.

I woke up this morning very early but it was just as well because I learned that I had to get ready for a quick trip home.
Jamie came with me and we caught the boat, then Judy took us to the plane and then after an hour of cheese and crackers and lots of adjustments to the window blind and the seat belt, we arrived in Wellington. I am only here for the weekend and then I get to fly back to the island again.
lots of love

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Cards from Moo

dear Richard,

These are cards of photos mummy took. She got them printed at I only appear in one of them- as you can see.
When do you move into your new home? I can help you if you like. I am good with handling technology and I have started moving bigger things- like portable wardrobes around house here on the island, in practice.
Rosie XXXX

Monday 12 January 2009

Travellers of the World

dear Morgan,

I hope I get to see you when you visit in March. Don't worry about where my parents might be- I will be at home. This is a photo of my Grandma Stella. She came to visit us for a day on the island.
Mel and Matt came to play with me for a couple of days while Jamie heads off to Rotorua. I was so excited to see Matt. I wasn't quite sure why Mel needed to chaperone him.

Sunday 11 January 2009

Musical notes

dear Sue,

Happy New Year. I am still practising my music.

The other day we got three more harmonicas so we can have a band. Daddy is learning the ukelele!

We also have lots of birds in the trees who join in with all different sounds- though they prefer to practice quite early in the morning.



Saturday 10 January 2009

Mr Shaami

Hi Shaami

How is the winter there in Islamabad? This is not a photo of me in national costume :) I have been for a swim and this is my new towel my grandma Stella gave me for Xmas.
Have you got your exam results yet? I am very lucky. I don't have to sit exams. In fact, I will never ever have to sit exams :)
love and hugs

Friday 9 January 2009

Outward Bound

dear Eleanor,

Life is getting pretty tough around here. Another 1.3km walk yesterday and then I was taken to Whakanewha and did rolling down and running up hills. Jamie showed me how to do it.
(Jamie is not the bunny, in case you are wondering)
Then in the evening we went to the beach and I did wading up and down the pools that were there with the high tide.

There is a boy who visited once last Summer who lives down on the street below. He comes up here some evenings and plays with my toys. He is nice but has already learned how to say 'no' to me in that tone of voice that most people seem to use.

I am missing you,


missy moo

p.s. today is daddy's birthday and I forgot to buy him a present......

Thursday 8 January 2009

Christmas lights

dear Danial,

I am sorry you broke your leg and had to have an operation. I hope you are able to walk again soon.

Last night I stayed up late and went to see the Christmas lights on a home at the bottom of the bay. The mummy of the house came out and invited me into the grounds. There was a big santa claus, taller than me, which sang songs and waved a bell. The light display was amazing. My photographer hasn't quite managed to capture it.

lots of hugs,


Wednesday 7 January 2009

Icecream rewards

dear Briony,

I was just forced on another 1.3km walk. Over half of it is on a dirt road which is not so good when I want to sit down.

This time I did not yell at all, just went for passive resistance. However for the last 300 metres I ran because I was promised an icecream when I got home. We have very nice icecreams- gooey raspberry, caramel and maple walnut. And we have cones to eat them in.

This photo is of me drying myself..

happy new year,



Tuesday 6 January 2009

corn on the cob

dear Mel,

I am looking forward to seeing you next week. As you can see I am eating my veges :)

This morning we went for a run. I am doing quite well but a bit groggy if I try and exercise after taking my medicines.
Jamie has been looking after me this week. He reads to me and swings me on the hammock.

Sunday 4 January 2009

Dancing Dancing all Day Long

dear Carolyn

I hope you are enjoying South America. I have been practicing my dancing with my uncle and also playing lots of recorder and harmonica.

I have been practicing my 'more' sign on the waves and it seems to work really well. I haven't tried the 'finish' sign on them yet.

looking forward to seeing you in February



Friday 2 January 2009

Keeping covered in the Summer

dear Cassie,

Happy New Year! We are on Summer vacation on the island and will be here till February when I will go back to school. Is there snow at your place?

Jamie has come to play with me and look after me for a month. He is from Australia but I knew him in Paris. I think you met him there when you visited. He is now 18 years old.

This is the hat mummy bought to go to see the Queen. She and Daddy went to a garden party at the Palace, along with lots and lots of other people. All the women had to wear a hat.

Cassie bear still talks...

lots of love and hugs,