Friday 27 March 2009

Those shoes are made for walking

Dear Mr and Mrs Kumfs,

I really like my new boots. They arrived here last night in a big box, which I was very excited to unwrap. They look very good on my feet and I went for a first walk around the house and didn't get blisters.



Thursday 26 March 2009


dear Grandma and Grandad,

Daddy is in Pakistan, mummy is working and Juanita is looking after me. Last night I called Daddy on skype and had a chat to him.

I am having a lot of flakes at the moment and the doctor has said that I am on maximum dosage of my meds. The solution is that on Sunday I am to be knocked out with diazepam to see if my brain can't 'reset' itself. Doesn't sound that great.

How is dog?


Rosie XXXX

Monday 23 March 2009

That first sip in the morning

dear Julie,
Don't you just love that first sip of tea in the morning? Aaaaaahhhhhhhh This morning I lay in bed and called out eeeeeea, eeeeeeeeeeea and sure enough after ten minutes it arrived.
I am in winter clothes now- but you would know that cos it has gotten so cold here. What happened to the sunshine?
I am wearing a new brace for my leg. It has a hinge on it around the ankle to give greater flexibility, otherwise it is the same as the old ones.
Hope to see you soon,
Rosie XXX

Thursday 19 March 2009

Goals for the short term

dear Philip,
Last night after school was my planning session for the year. There are all sorts of communication goals but also there are goals to how fast I can get round the obstacle course, and a bit embarrassing- how well I can pull up my undies.
The main goal that my mother wanted was for me to learn to say 'please'. I am to stop just taking what I want and look to other people to give to me after requesting. I can just imagine how inefficient this is going to be.

Wednesday 18 March 2009

IEP meeting today

dear Glenda,

Always chores to do in the garden!

Today at 3.00pm is my IEP meeting where I organise all of my staff to set some goals for the year in terms of my care. Teachers, therapists, caregivers and parents will all sit down and work out how to be coordinated so they can be of best service to me.

I am really enjoying my music now. I can play individual fingers on the piano, I strum the guitar and I am learning to use individual fingers on XinXin's piano accordian..



Monday 16 March 2009

Autumn is here

dear Jenny,

It is autumn in Wellington but there are still flowers in my garden and soon we will plant lots of bulbs so that in spring there will be even more daffodils and tulips and gladioli.

This is my new dress and hat. I went shopping at Pumpkin Patch in the weekend.
Those marks on my legs are just shadows- I think I might need a new photographer.
lots of love

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Bye bye bathroom

dear Eleanor,

You wouldn't believe it! I have now got a bath in my garden just like you. I came home from school and there it was.
And then another strange thing happened, my bathroom doesn't have a bath in it. I don't know where it has gone.
lots of love

Sunday 8 March 2009

Musical magic

dear Jeremy

Yesterday your mummy came to visit and she played piano with me. We had lots of fun.
I also showed her how to mow the lawn with a hand mower. She was very impressed but didn't help me.
Remember when I came to visit you and we played on the trampoline? I was just so little then. Now I am six and a half.
I have started school for the year and we are doing lots of school work; like horse riding, swimming, music, shopping at the supermarket and more music.
There are lots of girls in my class this year and I have a really fun time with them.
lots of love
Rosie XXXX

Thursday 5 March 2009

Going to the airport

dear Fatima,

Today after school I am going to the airport to collect mummy. I hope she has been behaving herself at your place. She is always telling me what not to do.

I have had Juanita staying with me most of the time and then in the weekends Eleanor and Mel have been coming round. The other day I went to Juanita's home. She has another dog and two cats and budgies. Like a zoo but at her home. But only the budgies are in cages. The dogs do have a house but it isn't a cage.



Sunday 1 March 2009

I can use a fork!

dear Glenda,

This is what Mel wrote about me "Rosie was great today, we went to the pool this arvo, she played for a long time (about half an hour) with this young Samoan boy which was cool.

We also got taken out for lunch by family friends who were up from Nelson for a wedding - Rosie was adored :) She sat beside me in a chair the whole time and ate her wedges with a fork."

As you can see I am behaving very well : )

And there is more news- I have a new friend and she lives downstairs and she plays the piano accordion really really well.


Rosie xxxxxxx

p.s. How is billy?