Wednesday 29 December 2010


dear G. Stella,
Yesterday I travelled to Auckland to see Glenda. The boat ride was fine, but a little boring as I didn't have access to a cellphone. The arrangement was to be collected from Britomart. I arrived there, and waited but Glenda didn't arrive. Apparently she forgot me as she was too busy mowing the lawn :( I am not good at waiting.
After this incident was resolved we went to the gardens at the Domain, but it was very hot and I ended up with heat stress. It wasn't till we got back to Glenda's and Billy was there, and she poured me a swimming pool, that I felt happy again.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Hope to see you these holidays :)



Monday 27 December 2010

Killing Kidzone

I can't even start to process this. No more kidzone! I started watching TV just one year ago and this is the only channel I watch. It has nice slow movements and bright colours, good music and best of all it has, Kane. Also there are lots of kids on the programmes so when I feel a little bit on my own, I have company. I have learned so much from watching. When I first started it was only for minutes at a time, now I can watch for at least half an hour and I love it. It is all just too unbelievable.


P.s. this is my lovely dress from Simon, Inge and everyone for next Winter.

Sunday 26 December 2010

Boxing Day

dear U. Jon,
It was so wonderful having you here for the week. I loved having someone to play with especially another musician. After you left I went to the beach but I was overcome with distress at seeing kayaks in the water. The distress just poured out of me, very noisily and I couldn't stop it for the whole 45 minutes I there. I am not sure that other people on the beach understood what was happening to me. Today I am going to get my kayak out from under the house and go for a paddle.

thankyou again so much for coming to stay and spending Christmas with me,

lots of loves


Friday 24 December 2010

Merry Merry Christmas


Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas with lots of angel blessings. I hope you got to spend the day with people who love you, like I did. I was very excited to see my pressies all piled up on the bed.
lots of love

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Motorcycle mania

dear Carolyn
I am glad to hear you are feeling better. I saw a music therapist on TV yesterday and I missed you. He had a room full of instruments and was playing guitar. I have my U. Johnny staying and he has his guitar with him. We sang Christmas carols yesterday. Mainly though I just watch TV, play with my teddies, and go to the beach. There are some pools on the beach where I can just play crocodiles. I'll try and get some photos.

lots of love


p.s. the photo is from Westport

Monday 20 December 2010

96 percent humidity

dear Jess,
My wet clothes were hung out on the rack two days ago and they are still soaking wet. It is because the air is so full of water it doesn't want anymore. I am sorry you are not able to have your Christmas parties because of snow and that will be very sad if you can't even get to see your mummy. All my presents are already here at my house so I am very lucky. They are all stacked in a corner waiting for Christmas day.
lots of love

Rosie XXX
p.s. this is my cousin Sabian and my aunty Sonja. Sabian is coming to visit me in January.

Thursday 16 December 2010

Lion Princess

dear Eleanor,
Thankyou so much for putting me in touch with Santa. I just saw him at Capital E the other day and he hasn't changed a bit since then. I had forgot to tell him I liked new dresses, so it is great he knows this now :)
If you ever want to come to Waiheke I'd love to see you. Otherwise I will see you in February when I get home again.

lots of loves and hugs

Rosie po

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Blessing of Kimi Ora

dear Carolyn
I am sorry you are sick in hospital. Maybe I will be allowed to come and visit you after school today if you are still there?
Yesterday morning was the blesssing of the new school out at NaeNae. I delegated to parent to go for me. At 6.00am the Kaumatua for NaeNae intermediate took everybody through all the classrooms and blessed each one. The same thing will happen when the satellite school, that I will go to at Evan's bay is completed next year. Here is a photo of the outside. It is still being finished.
get well soon,

lots of love


Monday 13 December 2010

Molly Dog

dear Gael
It was so lovely to see you again after all these years. It is a long time since I was four years old. Thankyou for dressing me in your top when I needed a change of clothes :) . I loved taking Molly-dog for a walk and having my photo taken with her. I hope we can come again in the New Years.


Rosie XXX

Sunday 12 December 2010

Santa Claus

dear Sabian, Julian and Ben,

It is a pity you didn't stay another night and come to school with me because today I got to go to Capital E and walk through the woodland forest of twinkling christmas trees. When you come to the end of the path, you go into a wooden house and there is Santa sitting in the corner. Every body in my class got to sit with him. I told him all the things I want for Christmas!
lots of love

Thursday 9 December 2010

Westport Cemetary

dear U. Johnny,
This is my great grandmother and grandfathers graves and your grandma and grandad. It needs some bleach sprayed on it to get rid of the lichens. I visited the cemetary this weekend. I didn't get to visit great great grandma and great great grandad as they were in the older graveyard.
I wandered around all the graves saying 'how are you' just in case someone was listening. I saw Sister Mary Francis's grave who taught you all piano and use to rap knuckles with a ruler. I don't know anyone like that.
see you soon for Xmas.
lots of loves

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Shop Assistant

dear Grandma and Grandad,
Thankyou for having me to stay. I specially liked; playing with Robbie dog, running at the beach, doing computering, going swimming at the pool, riding on the motorbike and being a shop assistant.
I hope I get to come back down again soon.
love and hugs


Visiting the South Island

dear Sue,
This was a tthe airport on Saturday waiting to board the plane to Nelson. I was very lucky to score a wheelchair. The flight was just a short one and I had a window seat. I was able to show Teddy all the views out the window. She was very impressed, especially when the wheels came down.
On Saturday in Nelson I went to visit my Aunty Gay and Uncle Ray. It was so funny because Nelson is a city and yet they live just opposite Mel's parents house. I saw Mel's dog outside her home but I didn't drop in because I was busy keeping Gay company.
Even though I had a wonderful weekend, I am very happy to be back at school.
lots of love