Sunday 20 November 2011


dear Glenda and G. Stella,
It was nice to have you stay a few weeks ago. Yesterday we went to buy icecreams yesterday with one of our vouchers. It was so windy and cold. We sat down on the grass where the band was playing for the Maori party but then my icecream fell off the cone. I didn't worry, I just kept thrusting the cone at it till it stuck on again and I could pick it up and eat it.

Monday 14 November 2011

Daddy came home!

dear Grandma and Grandad,

Daddy came home on the plane last night. I went to the airport to meet him but felt a little shy as he was away for more than two months. However when we got home I gave him a gin and tonic and we relaxed.

He will have to mow the lawn. You can see how long it is when I put my combi van down.

give Robbie a ball from me.



Sunday 13 November 2011

Digging to be done

dear Julie,

I get all sorts of opportunities at school to try out various occupations. I really like driving the diggers that are making the new school playground at the Intermediate school. They are having to smooth it all over so that the wheelchairs from my school can travel on it safely.

I'm doing well. Mummy is back from holiday and Daddy arrives back from his two months in the UK, tonight. I hope you are well.
