Wednesday 31 October 2007

J&N Clothing Limited

dear Godparents,

Today I came home with a wonderful bib in my bag. It is a thankyou for my photo being on the website of this company that is making clothes for disabled children.

The website still being developed and my picture is on the banner.



Tuesday 30 October 2007

Horses for Courses

dear Jess,

Yesterday I went with the older children to Riding for the Disabled. It was my first time and I got to feed a pony and sit on him. It was very very exciting.

Today Eleanor came and took me for a walk in my buggy. When I got home I was just climbing over it and it tipped me over. I don't usually cry but I got such a fright. Mummy came and put the buggy in the naughty corner (my bedroom) and closed the door. Naughty buggy.


Rosie XXXX

Saturday 27 October 2007

Long Walks

dear Aunty Jenny,

Mum and I are going on long walks, getting fit for the next time you visit. We went down the hill to Le Moulin this morning and bought croissants and brioche with the sugary topping.

Two days ago we went down hill to the Meditteranean Cafe and bought Pizza dough and then climbed the hill again, got home and made yummy pizzas.

I am still trying to learn how to feed myself.

love Rosie XXX

Friday 26 October 2007

Tooth fairies


What has happened? I am only 5 years old! And yes- that is blood.

I have an ear infection again but no fever. It does make me tired though.

Today Hope came over and we started to learn some PECs symbols for different songs I know. I could choose 'wheels on the bus'. Hope could choose all 12 symbols immediately. When we choose the correct symbol we get a little bit of lolly cake.

love Rosiepo XXXX

Thursday 25 October 2007

Bouncing Bouncing All Day Long

Dear Grandma and Grandad,

I learned to bounce at school and now I have this trampoline at home. There is a bouncing song that Carolyn made up and I can bounce when it is sung. There is one verse for bouncing and another verse where you have to stay very still. I haven't quite mastered the second verse action yet.

As you can see it is nearly Summer. It might even warm when you come here later this month, Grandma.

I have another ear infection at the moment. Lots of people have colds and I didn't manage to miss out.

Congratulations on your photo exhibition,

love Rosie XX

Wednesday 24 October 2007

Bridey back in town

Dear Bridey,

I went to see Eleanor's dad last night. He put me in a hammock and I got to swing back and forwards. I also showed him my new wet suit.

It was such a surprise to come from his place and see you at my home. Mummy says you are coming to stay for a while till you are finished your mid-wife exams. That will be lovely.

Did you know that my toilet training has begun? I am not very trained yet. I think it might take a while.

love Rose XX

Monday 22 October 2007

Beata and me

dear Beata,

It has been a long time since I saw you. I am now double the age I was when I left Paris. Did you know I go to school now? A taxi comes and picks me up each morning and drops me home again.

We have Artu's photo on the wall from when he was a baby.

Daddy has been looking after me for three weeks while Mummy was in Pakistan. She bought me back a smocked dress like the ones I used to wear as a baby.

I hope you and Pietre and Artu are all happy,

love you and miss you,

Rosie XX

Friday 19 October 2007


dear Godmother,
I know I don't understand how people can come and go; how they can be there and not be there. However when I come to your home I do know Auntie Sue. She had the basket with the most fun toys that anyone can have. And the bedroom with music in it. Best of all the dogs in the basket singing. Auntie was in touch with the angels of fun.

Come and spend time with us this summer. And please bring Billy,

love you,


Tuesday 9 October 2007

Life on the couch

Dearest Mummy,

In the evenings now this is where I most like to be- curled up with Daddy watching TV and drifting off to sleep. I also get to wear my sunglasses in the shower. My favourite accessory however is my bike helmet. I wear it on the swing seat and Daddy puts on a cowboy hat just so that both our heads are protected.

I forgot to tell you that on our way home from Lara's we stopped at a place with big horses and a goat and had hot chips and coffee. When we got home daddy started pulling plants out of the garden. I tried to help but Daddy got really grumpy and told me that these plants were tulips not weeds. I still don't understand what the problem is

Lots of Love


Sunday 7 October 2007

Roo and Sprocket

Dear big sister Lara,

Dad and I had fun at your place in the country. I liked playing with Roo and Sprocket. And I liked playing in the blanket house with Mowgli and Greta and playing with your computer (at home out computer has a 'don't touch Rosie!' sign on it.

I also like it when Jonathan put the headphones on me. Not only do they look very cool they play music. But my favourite thing was going in the mountain buggy by the river and climbing up the big grass hill and then having an icecream near the cockatoos.

Love Rosie XXXX

Friday 5 October 2007

White Gorilla's

Hi Mum,

I spent two days around at Eleanor's house this week.
On Monday I was sleepy because I got up so early, so I had a kip under El's duvet on the sofa while she made some date scones. There was a white gorilla under the duvet with me...he was almost bigger than me!

When I woke up I got to sit in the kitchen and eat scones while El did the dishes. They weren't quite as good as yours, but with plenty of butter they went down okay. I ate two very fat ones.

On Tuesday the weather was crazy. It's SOOO windy here these days. At first it was sunny and we sat out on the deck with a drink. Then it went cloudy and I played inside with the ukelele. I really liked can see that I was so good I could do it lying down (see tomorrow's photo). Later we walked up to the war memorial on sugarloaf hill. I have a lot more stamina now than a few months ago, and my balance is better going uphill. I did have a momentary lapse of reason when I took a tumble, forgot to put my hands out and got a little graze on my face, but I was brave and didn't cry at all. El put savlon on it later which was much worse than falling over!

On the way up sugarloaf we met a friendly cat who followed us and let me pat him. We took the swing car and had lots of rides together along the path. I understand what to do when El says "feet up!" because I know we don't get to go anywhere otherwise. When I'm alone on the bike I'm very good at steering.

From on top of the hill we could see the rain coming across the harbour, so we rode all the way down the path back to the house. When we got inside there was a huge rain storm and we watched it from the window.

Then we took some more can see that El is nearly as enthusiastic as you are about taking pictures of me. I encourage her, of course, even if her fashion sense isn't quite up to scratch and I got snapped wearing too many colours at once.

Lots of love,
Rosie xxxxxx

Tuesday 2 October 2007


Dear Mummy

I hope you are having lots of fun in Pakistan.

Im sorry to say I've had some problems with daddy. You know how you like me to get up at night and help you watch TV? Well daddy doesn’t! I had to get up about 20 times to help him get used to it. And then later when it was really dark and daddy had gone to sleep I snuck into the lounge and curled up by myself on the sofa with the flicker. And then daddy was walking round the house calling my name- I kept quiet – so funny!.

Lots of love


Monday 1 October 2007


dear Fiona,

It was lovely to see you though I wish you could have come with your car, the exciting one.

I am glad you enjoyed the hot rock massage and WOW. What is WOW? On Monday morning Daddy said he was very tired because of WOW but it was really because he thought it was a school day and got up very early. I have another week of holidays.

You know mummy left on Saturday. We took her to the airport and she had too many bags filled with lots of food and papers. They weighed 35kg. She rang on Monday morning from Dubai.


Rosie XXX