Friday 5 October 2007

White Gorilla's

Hi Mum,

I spent two days around at Eleanor's house this week.
On Monday I was sleepy because I got up so early, so I had a kip under El's duvet on the sofa while she made some date scones. There was a white gorilla under the duvet with me...he was almost bigger than me!

When I woke up I got to sit in the kitchen and eat scones while El did the dishes. They weren't quite as good as yours, but with plenty of butter they went down okay. I ate two very fat ones.

On Tuesday the weather was crazy. It's SOOO windy here these days. At first it was sunny and we sat out on the deck with a drink. Then it went cloudy and I played inside with the ukelele. I really liked can see that I was so good I could do it lying down (see tomorrow's photo). Later we walked up to the war memorial on sugarloaf hill. I have a lot more stamina now than a few months ago, and my balance is better going uphill. I did have a momentary lapse of reason when I took a tumble, forgot to put my hands out and got a little graze on my face, but I was brave and didn't cry at all. El put savlon on it later which was much worse than falling over!

On the way up sugarloaf we met a friendly cat who followed us and let me pat him. We took the swing car and had lots of rides together along the path. I understand what to do when El says "feet up!" because I know we don't get to go anywhere otherwise. When I'm alone on the bike I'm very good at steering.

From on top of the hill we could see the rain coming across the harbour, so we rode all the way down the path back to the house. When we got inside there was a huge rain storm and we watched it from the window.

Then we took some more can see that El is nearly as enthusiastic as you are about taking pictures of me. I encourage her, of course, even if her fashion sense isn't quite up to scratch and I got snapped wearing too many colours at once.

Lots of love,
Rosie xxxxxx