Wednesday 1 April 2009

The Weekend

dear Richard,

I just had such a busy weekend I barely remember it all. On Saturday I cashed in my gift voucher from Xmas with Eleanor and we spent the day up the coast. We went to Raumati South and played on the beach for ages and lay in the sand in the sun.
Then on Sunday Julie came to visit and we played with Pig. But Pig now has a broken back and is a bit creaky. Then after she left, you wouldn't believe it, but mummy gave me diazepam. This is all to do with that theory that it might reboot my brain. Well all I think it did is make me sleep for two hours and then feel really grumpy and horrible for two days. I am still having flakes. Not that I know I am having flakes- it is just what others say.
Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday,
love, your niece,