Friday 31 July 2009

Adeel on the Airplane

dear Glenda,

This is Adeel. He was on the plane going to Pakistan with mummy and his mummy.
They tried to land in Islamabad but there was a big thunderstorm and so they had to go to Karachi and wait in the plane on the ground for three hours.
Then they had to fly back to Islamabad again.
Adeel comes from London. He is very kind and helpful.

Thursday 30 July 2009

Time out with Nita

dear Uncle Johnny,

Here is a photo from a very long time ago when I was just learning to walk.

I am home alone with Nita and XinXin and Kas. Today after school there was no music lesson and so Nita and I went out to the Hutt, to go to the Chemist. She insisted on singing songs in the shop- so I just went along with it. We sung row your boat, wind the bobbin up, and open shut them. She also kept playing hide and seek with her car keys.

After the chemist we went to her mum's house to visit Chyna, her other dog. I took her for a run on the back yard and we played tug of war with a stick and had a swing on the swingseat.

Lots of love

Rosie XXX

Sunday 26 July 2009

Nelson return

dear Rachelle and Phil,

Thankyou so much for having me to stay for the weekend. This morning I went straight to school from the airport. We dropped Matt off at home on the way.

I was a bit tired, but very relaxed. At school I perked up and did my chores. I have to take the trolley from the classroom to the kitchen. Then I showed mummy how I can now do little jumps on the trampoline. She was very excited.

I hope you can come and stay at my home later this month,


RoseHelene XXXXX

Saturday 25 July 2009

Nelson is nice

Dear Mummy and Daddy

I am really enjoying staying with Mel's family in Nelson so far. After I had 5 pancakes with maple syrup (!) yesterday morning me Matt Mel Phil Zoe and Rachelle went to the Market, it was a very sunny warm day and I got to sit the whole time on Phil's shoulders. I think Matt got a little jealous but Phil let me wear his sunglasses and let me help flip the pancakes so he understood.

Last night Phil got out his Gibson left handed electric guitar (only a few in the world apparently!) and his amp and played some music with me - I don't think I have ever played with an electric guitar before - it was so loud! Phil put the special strap around my neck and let me play a few songs - Phil said to Mel afterwards "that was perfect for Rosie as she also left handed"

I have been getting a lot of exercise. Yesterday we walked up the Montebello Valley behind Mel's house - there are lots of big Maple trees and beautiful bush. There are no cars allowed up the valley now so I was able to run freely the whole time. I must have walked about 2 km by the time I got home! I was very tired by then but did not want to sleep when I had all these people around (Matt and Phil especially!). I didn't get to sleep until 10 o'clock last night! I was in bed but didn't like being left alone so Mel read my book to me and then sang hush little baby so I would go to is the song her mum used to sing to her when she was about my age..

I am also being 'shown around' to Mel's friends and family. I had afternoon tea with Matt's dads yesterday. He gave me these special teddy bar lollies and had a touch lamp and other toys all ready for me for when I arrived. Today I am going to have lunch with Matt's mum and his aunty and uncle, I have my pink velvet dress on and think I look very nice. Phil is dropping me and Mel off in the convertable which I can't wait to go in!!

Well have to go Phil has brought out his acoustic guitar and I cant write everything I have been doing in just one email! There are lots of photos to come - Mel forgot her camera cord but says she will buy one tomorrow.

I miss you both but am having a great time!!

Love Rosie XXX

Friday 24 July 2009


dear Mowgli and Greta,

Don't be scared. It is just a mask. It is from the Cirque du Soleil show that I didn't get to go to. I think I would have enjoyed it. There were acrobats and contortionists and lots of music.
I hear that you are coming to see me in a few weeks time. That will be so much fun,

Monday 20 July 2009

Those were the days

dear Helene,
This is a remember when photo from when I was very little. School holidays are finished and I am back at school. It is winter and raining and very very occasionally there is blue sky and the sun comes out.
My teacher has gone away for a while. Daddy is in India. Mummy is going to Pakistan. Melody is going to Italy. Juanita, Eleanor, Briony and I are going to just have a fun time for a month or so.
I hope you are able to come and visit again sometime soon.
lots of love
RoseHelene XXXX

Saturday 18 July 2009


dear Shaami,

Thankyou for sending me this link. She is beautiful and so funny. I loved laughing with her. I wish I could play with her.

I am on the last day of my school holidays. Today I walked all the way down to the big park that has a flying fox. I walked down with Briony and we caught the bus back home again. I love catching the bus. I went on the flying fox and swings and slides. I hadn't been to this park for a whole year.

Monday 13 July 2009

Raining again

dear Yasmine,
I am sorry you missed my party. This is another photo of parrot, around at Mel and Matt's place.
It is school holidays at the moment but we didn't go to Waiheke as Daddy was meant to go to India.
I am now 117 cm tall. Mel is going to buy me some new clothes when she goes to Italy as she will be there during the sales. She will get me skinny trousers.
hope to see you soon,
lots of love

Thursday 9 July 2009

Car Accident

dear Jamie,
Mel was driving up the hill on Wednesday and this guy ran a T intersection and came in front of her and then swiped the headlight and the front of the car.
Mel is fine but shaken and she had whiplash the next day. You can see what my car looks like.
The car has been taken away to be repaired and the other driver, even though he tried to get out of it, has had to accept the blame.
Rose Helene XXXXXXX

Sunday 5 July 2009

Sleep overs

dear Eleanor

Remember that one day you are going to take me camping on the back lawn? I know it is too cold at the moment. Because I have had a cough I have been sleeping over on the floor in mummy's bedroom. So I am practicing for camping. Also I am getting really expert at blowing out candles and turning torches on and off.

Did you know that I got a letter from Yasmine saying that she hadn't come to my birthday party because she didn't read the date properly?

We won a raffle at school and it was a $100 voucher for Freedom Furniture. Melody went there yesterday and spent it. One of the things she bought was a lamp that you touch the base of to turn on and off. It is heaps of fun.



Saturday 4 July 2009

Watching TV

dear Matt,

Thankyou for taking me in this morning while Mel did the vege shopping. I am still feeling a little under the weather. Also it was so much fun going down the hydroslide yesterday with you. I wish Mel had brought her camera with her.

I guess you are getting very sad about her going away and I will miss her too. But she will come back an even better cook and be able to make the most amazing italian dinners.


RoseHelene XXXXXX

Friday 3 July 2009


dear Patrizia,

We are becoming Italian around here. Melody is leaving for Italy in August to go to university for five months. She is cooking us dinner most nights now out of the big italian cookbook.

Then this week mummy bought me this outfit on Trade Me (like E Bay). It is very stylish.

How is Flavio? We still have the christmas card of him looking so much like an angel, on our noticeboard.


RoseHelene XXXXX


dear Grandma and Grandad,

Today my classmate Jennifer died. And this week a classmate from last year, Taita, died as well. We will go to the funeral's next week. Jennifer was really friendly and kind. I had to learn not to push her chair and to respect her space as she was not mobile like I am. Taita was big and cuddly.

My uncle johnny is holding a party tonight for Amber's as she would have been twenty one on Monday. It will be a pot-luck supper with friends coming.


RoseHelene XXXXX

Wednesday 1 July 2009

the Busy One

dear Cassie,
I am sorry grand-mom is so sick.
This is Juanita and Mel. The are both cool and so much fun. And this is me in my party dress but I couldn't stay still and so I am all blurry.
It seems like I was very lucky and just had a mild dose of that flu that is going around. I got to go back to school afer only one day off and on that day I went horse-riding. I love horse-riding. They have special classes for the disabled which my school goes to.
I hope you can come and see my school one day soon.
RoseHelene XXXx