Saturday 25 July 2009

Nelson is nice

Dear Mummy and Daddy

I am really enjoying staying with Mel's family in Nelson so far. After I had 5 pancakes with maple syrup (!) yesterday morning me Matt Mel Phil Zoe and Rachelle went to the Market, it was a very sunny warm day and I got to sit the whole time on Phil's shoulders. I think Matt got a little jealous but Phil let me wear his sunglasses and let me help flip the pancakes so he understood.

Last night Phil got out his Gibson left handed electric guitar (only a few in the world apparently!) and his amp and played some music with me - I don't think I have ever played with an electric guitar before - it was so loud! Phil put the special strap around my neck and let me play a few songs - Phil said to Mel afterwards "that was perfect for Rosie as she also left handed"

I have been getting a lot of exercise. Yesterday we walked up the Montebello Valley behind Mel's house - there are lots of big Maple trees and beautiful bush. There are no cars allowed up the valley now so I was able to run freely the whole time. I must have walked about 2 km by the time I got home! I was very tired by then but did not want to sleep when I had all these people around (Matt and Phil especially!). I didn't get to sleep until 10 o'clock last night! I was in bed but didn't like being left alone so Mel read my book to me and then sang hush little baby so I would go to is the song her mum used to sing to her when she was about my age..

I am also being 'shown around' to Mel's friends and family. I had afternoon tea with Matt's dads yesterday. He gave me these special teddy bar lollies and had a touch lamp and other toys all ready for me for when I arrived. Today I am going to have lunch with Matt's mum and his aunty and uncle, I have my pink velvet dress on and think I look very nice. Phil is dropping me and Mel off in the convertable which I can't wait to go in!!

Well have to go Phil has brought out his acoustic guitar and I cant write everything I have been doing in just one email! There are lots of photos to come - Mel forgot her camera cord but says she will buy one tomorrow.

I miss you both but am having a great time!!

Love Rosie XXX