Sunday 23 August 2009

Down on the Farm

Dear Mel,

I have had such a fun weekend with Matt. We went to Holly's place on the farm. I played with Chloe and Jarvis. On their farm they have big Cows and baby cows that are only one week old and I am taller than them.

The farm also has Cats, Dogs, Rabbits and Sheep. Holly let me feed the Rabbits carrots and we gave the new calfs milk.

We also went to the park where there was a big new playground. My favourite part was the spinning wheel. Jarvis, Chloe and I all got on and yelled at Matt and David (Chloe and Jarvis's Dad) to go faster and faster. I was so dizzie!

We are home in Wellington now and Matt is going to try make me Tea. Im a bit worried because this is Matts first time cooking for me, we had McDonalds on Friday and Holly made me pasta on Saturday. Im a bit tired now as we did a lot of driving and are going to go to bed now.I miss you

Love Rosiepo