Saturday 31 July 2010

Off to get a haircut

dear Julie

Last night I went downtown to Pearl to get my haircut. It is a really nice salon downtown where Carlie works.

As it was Friday night I dressed in my best clothes that Melody brought back from Italy.

After the haircut, I went out to dinner at Coyote and had fries and cheesecake. Then back home to watch TV. It was a very nice end to the week.

I hear you are coming to tea on Monday. That will be great.


Rosie XXXX

Monday 26 July 2010

My school report June 2010

It has been fantastic watching Rosie’s progress so far this year. She has progressed particularly well in the area of communication. A highlight for us was hearing a very clear ‘me’ from her when she was asking for a turn on the interactive whiteboard.

She has also said a number of other new words and is much more consistent at using them in the correct context. ‘Bubbles’ and ‘pop’ are now used approapriately. She has also become to say some words appropriate on infrequent occasions such as ‘chocolate’. Rosie is beginning to sign ‘more’ frequently and with less prompting. On some occasions she will sign ‘more’ and ‘please’ together. She continues to use her super-talker communication aid at circle times to share her news. She is able to choose a desired object from four photos and will look inside her Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) book to get the correct photo.

Rosie is developing her independence and is now able to play appropriately by herself or beside other children for up to twenty minutes. She particularly enjoys choosing activities which involve music, for example; playing songs on the interactive whiteboard, playing guitar or piano, and dancing.

Rosie has taken a liking to cutting and pasting tasks this term. She is keen to learn to cut paper independently. At present she holds the scissors with two hands and makes two or three cuts in a row while an adult is holding the paper. We have been working towards Rosie being able to use scissors with one hand which she is able to do for brief periods. Rosie usually uses adapted scissors but also has similar success with regular scissors. It is fantastic to see Rosie concentrating so hard on these tasks which she finds challenging.

Rosie’s ability to focus on structured activities has also improved greatly. Although she requires constant verbal prompting she now participates willingly in most class activities. Previously Rosie needed to be holding onto an interesting item or distracted in some way in order to encourage her to stay with the group. She is now able to focus on most activities without needing a distraction and is therefore becoming more involved in the learning.

Rosie seems to have a clearer understanding of school routines. Her morning routine of hanging up her bag, collecting cutlery and plates from the kitchen using her trolley, going up and down the stairs and going to the toilet have remained the same since she joined Room Three. Rosie is becoming increasingly independent with this routine and will now go to the trolley with only verbal prompting, will purposefully push it to the stairs and walk independently to the top of the stairs. When give items to put on the trolley Rosie will open the drawers and put them in. Although she often finds extra activities to do on the way, Rosie is becoming more focused and can follow through two of the steps at a time with only standby assistance.
Rosie has plenty of opportunities to ride the bike at school and in the local community. She can pedal independently and will keep the bike going in a straight line for up to six metres. Rosie is also learning to walk safely beside an adult to the supermarket with her bungy. She is doing extremely well with this and no longer pulls down on the adult she is walking with and concentrates more on the task. Rosie usually takes a handbag with her, which seems to help her focus and gives her an object cue so she knows where she is heading to. With regular repetition she is doing well with learning the routine of shopping and she is able to go directly to the trolley on entering the supermarket with just a verbal prompt. She will find objects in the supermarket, for example she buys the milk for the school once a week and will find the chiller and independently place the milk in the trolley with a verbal prompt to pick the correct milk. Rosie enjoys going to the supermarket as she is able to sue the self-service counter and scan the item before putting them in the shopping bag. She does an excellent jop of placing coins in the slot to pay. Good job Rosie!

Rosie seems to have really matured over the last few months. She is such an enthusiastic student who gets on well with adults and her classmates.
What a stunning first half of the year Rosie has had! We look forward to continuing to assist her in meeting her IEP goals and broadening her experiences as the year progresses.

Sunday 25 July 2010

Thankyou for coming to my 8th birthday party


Thankyou for having fun with me at my birthday party. I had such a great time and received lovely presents.
Also I get to eat lots of cakes and sweets this week, that are leftover!
Rosie XXX

Friday 16 July 2010

Dotty Wot Wot

Dear Mel,

A. Judy came over and gave me Dotty as a birthday present. She plays the same music as on the kidzone. Now I can play with her and listen to Wotty Wots at the same time on TV.

Today I went for a walk to the bottom of the bay and the bus was there. So I got on and travelled all the way to Matiatia, waited ten minutes while the ferry came in and travelled back again. It was heaps of fun and Dotty enjoyed it to. I had her connected to me by my walking leash, so she wouldn't wander off and get lost.

See the pink band on my left wrist in the car photo? That is my rainbows end entry.. I am not letting anyone take it off me.

see you real soon

lots of love


Thursday 15 July 2010


dear U. Shaami,
You are going to be married at last. Good it is before you get any grey hairs! And you are doing really well at school. See I find out all the news.

Today I walked 2.8 kms. It was sort of a trick, as the first part was all downhill and then there was a nice playground with swing and slide and then I had to climb all the way back up to home again. I have been resting since then.
You can click on the photo if you want it big. The boy with blond hair is my cousin, Julian. He is really cool.

love and hugs

Rosie XXXX

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Rainbows End

dear Grandma and Grandad,

Yesterday we got up early, had breakfast and dropped Kelly off at the passenger boat and then we went to the car ferry, Julian, Sabian, mummy and me. We got to Rainbows End at 10.30 and we bought pink bands that go around our wrists. I am still wearing mine today.

Sabian and Julian went on almost all the rides but didn't go on power surge. I went on bumper cars, dragon ride, merry go round, jumper, airplane ride, coal train through the caves, log flume but best of all I went on the roller coaster because I am now over 120 cm tall. I went with mummy and it was so much fun but over so quickly. We did a corkscrew and an upside down loop.

The only thing is that I hated to stand in a queue. I could see what we were meant to be doing and it is beyond my understanding why we can't just do it now. So I just yelled and bawled in every queue. Sometimes people could hear me, but sometimes it was noisy and they couldn't.

Next year I will be too tall to go on the rides for little children which I really like.



Wednesday 7 July 2010


dear U. Jon
I am sure that Amber will have liked us meeting to talk about her on the day that she was born. It was lots of fun to dance to guitar and amazing that Danial can play it as well, though he isn't as good as you, is he?

This is another new shalwar kameez that I got from Javaid's mum from Islamabad. I wore it to school and they put a sweater on me, the same colour and now mummy says she is wrestling with her conscience on sending that sweater back as it is such a good colour. I think she should just write to Sue and ask if she can borrow it till end of this year.

hope to see you soon up here on the island,

lots of love and hugs


Sunday 4 July 2010

Hanging out in the holidays

Dear Briony,
Hope you are having a cool time in Napier. We are just hanging out here. Today mummy and I went to Toy Story 3 down at Reading cinema. I got to wear glasses that brings
the screen out to you in your seats. I was a bit restless in my seat so we moved to the second row where there was noone else. That way (with a leash on - fixed to the drink holder - so as I didn't get lost in the dark) I could just roam a little and still see the movie. It is a good movie.

see you soon,
