Tuesday 30 November 2010

Child Development Report

Don't be concerned about this- it looks very black and white and doesn't describe all of me, but I thought I would share it in any case. It was written by the developmental paediatrician at the hospital whom I see every couple of years.

Child Development Team Report
20 September 2010
1. Intellectual disability

2. Cortical dysplasia
3. Epilepsy
1. Topiramate
2. Lamotrigine
I was delighted to see Rose again along with her mother, Philippa and Hannah, her speech-language therapist from Kimi Ora School. Rose has high needs ORRS funding but the application for Very High Needs was unsuccessful. The school has initiated a review of funding as Rose’s needs are definitely very high.

Regarding communication, Rose is trying to use a few key words but there is great inconsistency in the sounds that she makes for the same thing, indicating a significant motor planning or dyspraxia component to her expressive communication and articulation. She also has a lot of drooling which again reinforces her poor oro-motor control. Rose’s receptive language is also much delayed. She understands a few words and routine commands at the level of a 12-15 months old. Strategies being used currently for communication include PECS and a Super Talker communication aide.

Regarding her motor skills, she enjoys riding a modified trike. She tends to have jerky movements when she walks. She is able to jump on the spot and likes the trampoline. She is no longer using the AFOs as she has seen Mr Gregg recently. She does walk with a crouch gait with bent knees and this seems to be a strength issue. It is difficult to walk with Rose because she has no sense of safety and will walk across the road and likes to run when she gets the chance. She sometimes needs a leash to keep her safe. Regarding Rosie’s fine motor skills, she is able to make marks on paper but not write anything recognizable.

Socially, Rose makes eye contact. She waves ‘bye bye’ and she does imitate social gestures but there is often a significant time lag of several seconds before she can produce a response. Rose can get up to mischief and it is difficult to discipline her as she doesn’t seem to have an idea of consequences and she doesn’t seem to react if she is told off or senses disapproval.[1] However she is not aggressive.

Regarding self-care, she can try to pull her pants up or down but she is still dependant on dressing. She wears nappies. At school they take her to the toilet every hour and she wears underwear there but there are accidents. She also has learnt that making the sign for toilet is a good way of getting out of work and she is well versed in work avoidance techniques. She can use a spoon but she is very messy. It has been difficult to assess her developmental skills in the past because her skills are very dependent on her motivation. Rose is becoming interested in TV, whereas previously she has not really registered it. She likes Kid Zone and has just started to enjoy the Wiggles.

Regarding the therapy she currently receives, Rose loves RDS and is learning to trot on the horse. She has had twice weekly music therapy sessions since the age of 3 and now it is provided at school. She really responds to music and most of her learning occurs through music and often the teacher at school uses music to help ‘switch her on’. She loves music and can play instruments for prolonged periods, whereas otherwise her attention span is quite short. She is starting to be able to make singing sounds and can use PECS cards in music therapy to indicate what she wants to do.

Her epilepsy is managed by Dr Thorsten Stanley. She has seen him recently. He has also discussed scopolamine patches to manage the drooling and I indicated that I was comfortable with trialing this. Rose also sees Dr Esko Wiltshire, Paediatric Endocrinologist regarding her precocious puberty and she is on injections to suppress puberty until an appropriate time.

Regarding her physical health, Rose sleeps okay and eats well. She doesn’t gag or cough when she eats. She has also seen Mr Keith Maslin, Ophthalmologist regarding her squint. Over the past year she has chipped both her front teeth.

Regarding services and supports, Rose gets Child Disability Allowance and there is a respite care provision. The family is planning to use Oasis. Rose gets hospital nappy supplies.

Rose looked well. She had a brief seizure during the assessment.

Impression and Plan
Rose is doing well. Her developmental skills are around a 12-18 month old level with strengths in her social imitation and in her musical appreciation and ability. She continues to require the input of several paediatricians regarding her epilepsy and precocious puberty, and I will continue to see her approximately on an annual basis regarding her developmental skills and monitoring appropriate services and supports. Philippa indicated she doesn’t find it useful to see other doctors in our service, such as registrars and I indicated that because of demand outstripping supply, the annual review with me might end up occurring at 18 months rather than a year, but we will do our best to provide a developmental reviews service to Rosie.

[1] Parents note: though this is changing

Monday 29 November 2010

Belated Happy Thanksgiving

dear Roger,
I am sorry you are in hospital having a neck operation with lots of discs being taken out. It sounds very painful. You are very brave. We don't have thanksgiving here and so it is easy for me to forget the date, but I hope you still got to have a celebration with turkey and sweet potato and cranberry sauce. Did you get chocolate? I love chocolate. In my kitchen cupboard there is a click-clack container with chocolate in it. There are chocolate biscuits and coconut chocolate lamingtons and pices of chocolate. To get chocolate I put the container on the bench and then I go to the PECs signs and choose the chocolate bar and give it to an adult. Then they open the box and I get to choose. Yesterday I did this three times. Then the chocolate sign disappeared!!

So I what I did was still get the chocolate container out, but I went and chose the 'EAT' sign and gave that instead. You wouldn't believe it, but not only did that work, I got a lot of praise for problem solving.

I hope you are well soon,

lots of love and big hugs


Sunday 28 November 2010

dear A. Kanate,
Thankyou for taking me to your family picnic on Saturday. I had a great time playing with your nieces and nephews and grandchildren.
Yesterday I went to swimming lesson and afterwards we went to Rebel Sport and bought me flippers and a snorkel for Xmas. I am going to practice snorkelling in the swimming pool and then maybe I can go in the sea on the island. I hope you and Anaya come up this summer. Anaya could go snorkelling also.

lots of love


Friday 26 November 2010

Activity Center in Alexandra

dear Grandma and Grandad,
This is the activity centre in Alexandra where grown-ups with intellectual disabilities go to in the day time there. It is run by Alison, whom I met yesterday because she came to visit my school. She raised all the money to build it and you can see it is very beautiful. I think this is where I would like to go when I am grown up. There are lots of things to do there. There are art classes and

swimming. There is gardening and there are visits to the beauty spa in town. You can hold dinner parties in the dining are and lounge and on Thursdays it is cafe day and locals come in to have cappucinos and relax.

see you next weekend,


Rose Hélène XXXXXX

Sunday 21 November 2010

BoBoBoBor BorBooooooooooooor

dear Carolyn
This is my new song. I have been practising it all weekend. I hope you will be able to accompany me on guitar.
I did really well with swimming yesterday with flippers on. I did maybe 4 metres at a time. After my lesson, Jake too me over to the play area and we had fun in the shallow pool and the spa pool. Then he shared his pikelets with me. He is really nice and 8 years old, just like me.
I am sorry you were sick last week, I hope you are better and I see you tonight,

lots of love


Thursday 18 November 2010

Shut the Door

dear Hannah,
I think you will be pleased. Yesterday after I came home, I realised the front door was open and so I went up to it and said 'shut door' and then of course I shut it :)

I am taking on more responsibilities around the home. This photo is of me filling the watering can last week. I was outside and saw it there, and thought it would be good for the garden to get some water and so I just took it into the house and filled the can up as far as I could :) It would be good if we get to do gardening again at school next year.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Really Swimming

dear Eleanor,
Look! What happened is at the end of my swimming lesson with Alan on Sunday, his sons came along and got in the pool and the younger one, lent me his flippers. Then he stood about three metres from me and I swam and swam to him and I didn't even have arm bands on, just flippers and wetsuit :) Everyone was so excited, including me.
lots of loves
Rosiepo XXXXXX

Monday 15 November 2010

Eid al adha

dear A. Tehzeeb,
Eid Mubarak to you and Fati and Zulfi. So this year you have a different pilgrimage to another land :) Are you enjoying the kangaroos.
Last night I went to dinner at Mel and Matts. This photo is from dinner with my demonstrating lotus position. However even with lots of demonstrating, nobody else seemed to be willing to even try it.
I hope you have an enjoyable Eid.
lots of love

Monday 8 November 2010

Winning the Cup

dear Julie,
Isn't the sunshine great? I am wearing a summer dress to school today. There are lots of flowers in the garden that are also happy to see the sun. My favourite are the ones that are all pretty colours. They are red, pink, orange, blue, purple and white.
This week I won the cup at school for walking properly to the supermarket and waiting at the traffic lights. I think I was just more responsible overall as I had Kelly to look after. I had to show her where the broom was and at night I had to get my sleeping bag and take it to her, when it was time for me to go to bed.
I hope you are very well,
love and hugs

Sunday 7 November 2010

Hanging out with Kelly

dear Godmother Kelly,
Thankyou very much for staying over this last week. I specially liked everything including the chocolate cake, the mallowpuffs, the uh-oh jokes and lots of scooting. It is good to know where my chin is :)
I also liked going to the picnic and meeting Tom and Jen and visiting Janine and all the bubbas.
I wish I could have gone on the big bus with you yesterday :(
lots of love
p.s. come back again soon