Sunday 26 February 2012


dear Gael,

Thankyou for the wonderful lunch on Saturday. It was so much fun playing with Molly. I do hope you bring her to visit me at home.

On Sunday after swimming I went to Soi's church in Strathmore. I spent the afternoon with her. We had lunch at the church, which is in the community centre and then I went to her niece's place. It was so relaxing. I got home at 7 pm and there were lots of uncles and aunties sitting round having dinner; Mary, Les, Helen, Angie, John, Jim, Sarah and Julia. I chatted for a while but was quite tired and so slipped off to bed.

love from


Thursday 23 February 2012

Dynamic Drumming

dear Bill

I went to drumming again this week. I am still just watching the other kids do it most of the time. At half time we played a game... last week it was that you tag someone, they have to jump up and chase you round the circle. You try to get to their chair first. This week was a different game but I decided that I liked last weeks better and so I just kept playing that one regardless.

I took daddy swimming on Wednesday (mummy is away at Grandad/Grandmas). Someone told him that I had the X factor (but I don't think they meant like Johnny Ruffo) and another said that I was an 'exotic flower'. Hmmmm

hope to see you soon,


Rosie po xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday 20 February 2012


dear Briony, 
It is so nice to have you coming back round to see me this year. I don't mind how ever many years you want to keep studying as long it is in the same city that I live in. You know I'm growing up, but I think I'd still like to go to Junglerama this year and then there is the StarJam monthly meetings. But it is also okay for us to just hangout at home sometimes and listen to music.

Can you see the spirits trapped in the drops above? 

lots of love


Magic Moments

dear M and M's

Thankyou so much for dinner tonight. I love bruschetta and tiramisu. It was so really nice to see you again. I'm hoping I get to come to the warehouse and see the brewery and also come out one Sunday. 

In January Carolyn and Bevan got married. When I saw the photos I could hardly even recognise Carolyn but I could see the chocolate cake :) 

lots of love

Rosie Po 

Thursday 16 February 2012

Outfitted courtesy of Phil Wood (my grandad)

Hi Ria, 

thats nice that you read my blog :) 

I miss you all during the day but I'm also enjoying my new class as well. 

My teacher has made a new game for me on the interactive white board, where I click on my photo and then I have to virtually take a pen and draw along the road from my cartoon picture to the house. Then once I've done that I get to press on the letters of my name and they are spoken out loud and then I get to turn to a page with musical instruments on it. Each one I press makes the sound of that instrument. It is very exciting. 

lots of loves


Wednesday 15 February 2012

Dynamic Drumming

Hi Carolyn,

Last night I went to my first dynamic drumming workshop as a Star Jammer. I went to Johnsonville first to MacDonalds and then to the Community Centre. There were 6 Jammers and parents. I sat down nicely and just watched for ages to see how it all works. Then when it was time for a solo, I didn't really get what was happening and I had been asked to go first. However after a couple of other kids had done their solos, I entered enthusiastically into mine without even having to be asked :) Everybody clapped. And one father even said 'I thought this was a workshop for amateurs'.

Daddy took this photo of me last year.. and you and I know that I've done quite a lot of drumming.

hope you are well today and I see you this evening.

lots of love

Rosie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Friday 3 February 2012

Social Smoking

dear U. Jon,

thankyou for showing me how to do smoking. I had learned years ago from watching G. Stella and then Matt.. but it was good to remember again. This is me at Cable Bay Vineyard, waiting for Grandma, Grandad and Jenny to finish their wine tasting.
