Sunday 9 December 2007

Roses in Pakistan

dear Mummy,

It is nice you have roses in your room to remind you of me. They are very beautiful.
Daddy said your room is quite big with paint peeling off the walls, not a lot of light but good heating. And now that it is winter there are no cockroaches. He said that when I was born and you took me to hospital you counted 50 cockroaches in the room, but they were just little ones.

Eleanor, Daddy and I went to the BBQ at Carolyn's place to celebrate her masters in music therapy. I met her mummy and daddy and other people but I was a bit restless and so we couldn't stay long.

Daddy is a little bit tired looking after me and we are both looking forward to you coming home. I went to the park on Saturday and took off my brace so I could do some more running.

lots of love

Rosiepo XXXXX