Monday 29 September 2008

waiheke in the spring

Hi Craig,
I am glad that Eleanor hasn't made you sick as well. She was blaming me, but I don't think so.
We came on the boat over to the island. It was very exciting, climbing round the decks and driving the car on the journey.
I have already been to the beach twice. Once to Little Palm Beach where the nudies go in Winter and once to Whakanewha which has lots of birds.

Sunday 28 September 2008

Island time

dear Eleanor,

We delivered your shoes yesterday to the buyer. Mummy and Daddy made me walk most of the way there- 700 metres. The lady was very nice and later she came round and brought some chocolate and a little toy dog for me that I like very much and can say woof woof to.

We have some of the new curtains up in the house but there are a lot more to bring back from Pakistan. They look pretty nice.

I am going for a walk now with Daddy to see the dotterells.



Saturday 27 September 2008

Big Trip North

dear Danial,

It was very pleasant to visit, even for a such a short time, today. I would so like to have a laptop like yours and cool headphones.

I am on the island now for two weeks. My sister is coming to stay and bringing her children, so I will have someone to play with.



Wednesday 24 September 2008

Sporting activities

dear Glenda,

This year I am doing lots of sports. This one in the photo is waterpistolling. You just run straight up to the opponents pistol and latch on. They are so disarmed they feed you all their water and then bamm- you still have a full gun of your own.

I am also still climbing, swinging, swimming and riding pony's at Riding for Disabled. I am on the list for this term and we go on Wednesdays when it is not raining.



Monday 22 September 2008

Christmas time

Hi Jamie,

Daddy came home yesterday from Lahore and Entebbe. I was very happy to see him. He read me lots of stories and I got to show him my babydoll.
I had five mini-beef patties for dinner with cheese on top. I am practicing for when you come to play with me, fresh from your job at MacDonalds. We have Macdonalds here in Wellington but not on Waiheke Island.
Do you have a recent photo you can send me?
lots of love

Sunday 21 September 2008

A very busy weekend

dear Grandma and Grandad,

This photo shows how my leg is tied straight using mummy's knee support. I can now do 8-9 rotations at a time.

In the weekend I had lots of friends over to play. Ailsa came on Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon and Hope came on Saturday afternoon and stayed over. We were able to play on the deck, on the swings, the trike, the swing car and the mini tramp. The most fun was with Hope rolling round in the tunnel (fabric and mesh) and my chasing after her. Hope and I got to sleep in the big bed and wake up in the morning. We can chatter to each other. We even worked out how to put purple markings on the piano keys. The pens said they were for whiteboards and would erase but that ajax spray that is meant to clean everything has really failed on this one.


Rosie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday 18 September 2008


Yesterday a penguin tutu arrived in the post. It came from Auckland and it looks very very cool.

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Washing nappies

dear Kelly,

I am getting so clever at putting my clothes in the washing machine. Last night I even put a nappy in there as a surprise for mummy. Now we have learnt that when a nappy goes through the wash it bursts and this gelatinous substance covers everything. So very very cool.

I am looking forward to seeing you on Waiheke but I am not sure I want to eat tofu.

lots of love



Tuesday 16 September 2008

Wheat bags

dear Julie,

Happy Birthday! You didn't even tell me it was your birthday. Maybe it was because you didn't want to invite me to your party. But I invited you to mine.. so what do you have to say to that!
I am holding mummy's wheatbag. It is nice and warm. In this bed there is hot water bottle as well.
I hope you have a very nice day. And yes I would like to go to the zoo with your as well- lets get that Eleanor organised.
lots of love

Sunday 14 September 2008

Signing up

dear Morgan,

It is spring time here. In our home we have daffodils, daphney, lavender and tulips, all grown in the garden.

I now have a goal of learning 15 words in 2 years. Most of these word I already understand; they are; no, yes, toilet, book, hello, mummy, daddy, sleep (bed), eat and drink. I don't yet understand; 'go' and 'on', though I do know what 'go to the car' means. The next step is to be able to sign or say these words. I can sign toilet and drink. I can say hello.

We are going to Waiheke for the Summer again this year. If you come to New Zealand you should come and stay with us. Give my love to Jeremy.

lots of love


Saturday 13 September 2008

Introducing BabyDoll

dear Julie

Let me introduce BabyDoll properly. She is a lovely baby, very well behaved and hardly every cries. I feed her regularly and she sleeps through the night.
Yesterday I went to the zoo with Melody and saw bears and ostriches. Then my friend Ailsa came to play. We had a nice bubble bath together. I can climb in and out of the bath now.

Wednesday 10 September 2008

Happy Birthday Melody

Dear Mel,

Happy Birthday for yesterday. That is very cool your boyfriend gave you a surprise birthday party. Thankyou for taking me to the zoo today. I am having a great saturday. I went swimming with Caroline this morning; then a Big Mac as part of the 'supersize me' diet; the zoo with all the animals and then a friend over to play.

This is my hair when it is frizzy from being braided.



Tuesday 9 September 2008

Rosie goes to school

dear Cassie,

This is my taxi driver. He takes me to school each day and brings me home. I love going in the taxi and get very excited coming down the steps each morning knowing that he will be there

My hair was all frizzy this morning because I had braids in yesterday and I didn't take them out until this morning.

It seems a very long time since I saw you. You should come and visit me in New Zealand.

lots of love


Sunday 7 September 2008

Mummy has a bike

dear Johnny

Happy Birthday. I hope you got some nice presents. Ours is coming sometime soon. Today Eleanor and I helped mummy to buy a bike

"Comfort bikes have lighter frames and components for even easier pedaling, and are perfect for a relaxed rides around town or on the trail. "

We then followed mummy all the way home from the bike shop, round the bays and up the long long hill of Happy Valley. This valley isn't really happy- it is just called that.

lots of love


Saturday 6 September 2008

My new baby

dear Glenda,

I have a new baby, that looks quite like Isabelle. My new baby drinks from the bottle, then she burps, and goes to sleep, closing her eyes. If you make a noise, she wakes up and cries and you tickle her to make her laugh.
However when Isabelle came around today, I lost interest in my little darling and only had eyes for this lovely visitor.
As the rain had stopped, we swung on the big swing and I showed her how to use the mini-tramp. When she is older I am going to show her lots of other things.

Thursday 4 September 2008

Cleanliness and Dirtiness

dear Mummy,

I am sorry I got up from the toilet, tipped the new box of washing powder all over the floor and then did what I should have done on the toilet. I am also sorry to see you looking so frustrated with me. I will try harder.

lots of love


Wednesday 3 September 2008

Hansel and Gretel

dear Uncle Fun,

So you and Daddy are enjoying the warmth of my home country. I am being fattened up and I am not sure what for. This fluffy has four bits of chocolate in it. The first time I was fed one, I was very very excited. But now I am a little suspicious.
This morning I am going to see an ENT surgeon about my chronic ear infections. This means I get to have a sandwich from the Fuel outlet at the hospital. They have excellent sandwiches.