Sunday 14 September 2008

Signing up

dear Morgan,

It is spring time here. In our home we have daffodils, daphney, lavender and tulips, all grown in the garden.

I now have a goal of learning 15 words in 2 years. Most of these word I already understand; they are; no, yes, toilet, book, hello, mummy, daddy, sleep (bed), eat and drink. I don't yet understand; 'go' and 'on', though I do know what 'go to the car' means. The next step is to be able to sign or say these words. I can sign toilet and drink. I can say hello.

We are going to Waiheke for the Summer again this year. If you come to New Zealand you should come and stay with us. Give my love to Jeremy.

lots of love


1 comment:

Handcross said...

Dear Rosie,
I am so sorry that I missed your earlier blog. Springtime is now such a long time ago and you are now in summertime. Over here in England we are in winter and it has been very cold - -7C which is really unusual for us. Over Christmas we went to Switzerland to ski and it snowed for us on Christmas Day. It was magical. I am looking forward to hearing about your holidays on Waiheke Island and perhaps I will get to see you and Mummy and Daddy when I am back in NZ in late February /March before you go to Pakistan.
PS Jeremy says hi. He did really well in the British Schools Skiing Championships in France. I will try and send you a photo of us skiing.
Lots of love, Morgan