Thursday 25 December 2008

Christmas Day

dear Eleanor,

Merry Christmas. Thankyou for my christmas gift- 8 hours with you having adventures is a really wonderful idea. I might steal it. I could give vouchers to people to spend time with me, having all sorts of fun.

On Christmas day we opened all our presents and then I had a long sleep. In the afternoon I played in the paddling pool and I even had to have my lesson for the day there. We did naming body parts and used new soap and flannels and a scrunchie that mummy had got for Christmas.

I had nice food to eat but I do have one complaint. Daddy made a roast chicken and it didn't come out of the oven till I was in bed and I am sure I heard a champagne cork as well. I don't really think that is fair.

This is my new tunnel I got from Hope. It is a little bit different than the ones on the Brooklyn Hill. It has a tent at one end and a house at the other. I can go inside and play my harmonica and my recorder.

lots of love

Rosiepo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx