Thursday, 26 February 2009

Hotel on Fire

dear Daddy,

I was a bit scared when I heard your hotel was on fire. And that it was the same hotel that was bombed last year. And the fire engines couldn't get in past the big bags of sand that are there to stop the bomb trucks. Just as well your passport wasn't burned up because I am ready for you to come home. Juanita has got this time out idea and when ever I try to blow out the flame on the stove now, she puts me in my bedroom and closes the door :(

lots of love


Monday, 23 February 2009

From Juanita to mummy

Hi Phillipa,

Me and Rosie have been doing good. Rosie had a busy day today.We headed out to Petone for the Jackson street fair. Was a really fun afternoon. Rosie had a wonderful time feeding her face with hot chips and mini doughnuts! We met my sister and her boyfriend down there, and Rosie really enjoyed hanging out with Suzanne. Then we picked up my brother on the way back into town, and Rosie was sooooo excited to be sitting next to him. Was really really sweet. She was just sitting there with her head on his shoulder, a big smile on her face, and playing with his hands. I really wish I could have taken a photo of it. Was very cute.

We also stopped off at the petshop so me, my brother, and my sister could pick out a budgie each for mum for her birthday next weekend. The pet shop had a petting zoo set up out in the carpark, so Rosie thought that was pretty awesome. She patted the goat, the miniature horses, and the donkey, and had a look at a pig. We were very lucky that the rain cleared for the day. The original forcast was for lots of rain, but its passed quicker than everyone thought which was really nice.

Talk soon, Juanita.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Fish Pie

dear Mummy,

My cooking skills are improving tremendously. On Tuesday Nita taught me how to make fish pie and it tasted really good.

In the morning I went to the opthamologist and she said that my eyes look the same as they did last time they saw me. (Well- of course they do- how often do people change their eyes!!). I have to go again in six months time.

The other exciting news this week, is that I got to go horse riding with my class. I love horse riding.

thankyou for ringing up all the way from Pakistan,

lots of love


Wednesday, 18 February 2009

From Uncle Jon

Dear Rosie,

It’s so great to hear from you. I read your blog with interest. Especially the part about concentrating so well.

Maybe if you like cleaning so much you could come and help me sometime. I seem to have trouble sorting things out at the moment. Don’t eat all the ice cream at once. Save some for me

Love Uncle JOn

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Falling asleep waiting

dear Kelly
Are you coming to see me? Are you back in New Zealand yet? There is lots of room here for you to stay. I am very busy with school these days and looking after these baby sitters of mine but I will always have time for you- and I know where the icecream is kept now.
lots of love

Monday, 16 February 2009

From Melody to Mummy

dear Johnny,

Rather than write my own blog today, I am just going to copy in Mel's letter to mummy. I think it reflects rather well on me :)

"Had a great day with Rosie yesterday she was lovely to take care of. When I arrived we had a late breaky, as Eleanor said she had slept in and then we went off to an outdoor festival in Island Bay. There was heaps of stalls, live music etc so we had a good time. After that we went to Mc Donalds as I thought she deserved a Happy meal :), we were quite busy for a Sunday actually.

She got off to school fine this morning, looking cute as usual. She was definitely in good form - very keen to assist in all activities, i.e we swept floors, did dishes etc - all things she loves. I really feel that her concentration has just improved so much, she was listening well and was really responsive."

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Orthotic with butterflies

dear Glenda,

Parents are gone but life goes on. Today Mel was there when I woke up and after school Juanita and Cass were back. I was very happy to see him.

Did you know it is winter in Islamabad at the moment and it is about the same temperature as here in Wellington? And we are having Summer. It doesn't make sense to me.

This is my getting my new orthotic fitted. It gave me a blister on my first day and so now it has to be fixed. My hair is frizzy because it had been in plaits.

lots of love


Happy Valentines Day

dear Mummy,
Happy valentines day. I hope you got lots of chocolates and cards, and not as late as my one to you.
This is a photo of us at the vineyard on Waiheke. The one that had the cool toy truck.
I suppose you are missing me dreadfully but I am being taken good care of by EJAM, (Eleanor, Juanita, Ana and Mel).
lots of love and kisses
Rosiepo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Bye Bye

dear Uncle Richard,

Juanita, Mel and Eleanor are here with me- not all at the same time, of course. The parents have gone to work on the airplane. You are very welcome to come over and visit me anytime.

There are so many flowers in the garden but everyday now when I come home from school it is raining.
'Cass dog', has a bed in the lounge and this morning I got 'Cassie bear' that Cassie gave me a long time ago and put her in Cass's bed :)

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

End of Summer

dear Fatima,

Today mummy and daddy are in Christchurch for grandma's funeral. Juanita and I took mummy to the airport early and Cass sat in the back seat with me. I got to hold his tail and Juanita said it was just like I was shaking hands :)

It is getting cold now in Wellington, even though it is meant to be still Summer.

I saw some tim-tams in the suitcase that is coming to your place this weekend. You must have so many tim-tams now.



Monday, 9 February 2009


dear Bill and Janet,

I did complain about not visiting you guys last night. However I did have fun with Eleanor. And today Eleanor played with me till it was time for the taxi to school. At school we had music and pretend telephone calling, and obstacle course and play-doh. After school Eleanor was here, and then Hope came for music with Carolyn and then Ana came and made my dinner and gave me a bath and then I played with Hope and then Angelique came and took Hope home and then I played with Eleanor and went to sleep with mummy on the couch. That was my day.


rosie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Friday, 6 February 2009

Is there something up there?

dear Daddy,

I am happy you are with your mummy as she leaves us.

I had a good time today with Juanita at the park. We were meant to meet Suzanne and Ailsa but they went to a different park altogether.

I had a good time with Cass. He won't let go of his stick now when he sees me because he knows that I will pick it up for myself. He had this strange idea, early on, that he would put it down and I would throw it away to the other side of the lawn. Why on earth would I do that when he has already put it down just at my feet and that is obviously where he wants it to be?



Thursday, 5 February 2009


dear Jess,

This is Cass. He has come over to stay at my place with Juanita. Juanita staying here for a few days. Then Eleanor is coming and later this month Mel is coming to. It is great. And school has started again, and that is great too.

I did lose my adenoids. I am not sure what they are and I am not sure if they ever get found again.

Daddy is in Christchurch with his brothers and sisters and Grandma. She has lived a long long time but now she is dying.

Are you still in Pakistan? I hope you come and visit me.



Wednesday, 4 February 2009

School Days

dear Cassie,

I have started school again for the year. This morning I was late as I had to go and get a new orthotic fitted for my right leg. This one has butterflies on it like my last one. But it also had a hinge at the ankle and doesn't cover all of the bottom of my foot. This is so my gait can improve and so that I can stand on tiptoes. This is needed to open all the doors in the house. I now have access to everywhere!

I saw the photos of all the snow at your place. You are very lucky. I wish we had snow here.

lots of love

Rosiepo XXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxx

p.s. Cassiebear says hi as well.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Meeting Mr Shrek again

Dear Helen,

Yesterday I went to the hospital and had my adenoids out. Mr Shrek was still there from the last time I visited.
Today I start back at school. It is a cold summers day. The taxi will come for me at around 9.00 and then bring me home after school. I am sure my teachers will be looking forward to seeing me. I am looking forward to seeing them.

My grandmother is 97 and has had a serious stroke. Last night all seven of her children sat around her bed and talked to her, sang songs and drank some wine.

I wish I could meet Leo.


Rosie XXXX

Monday, 2 February 2009


dear Julie,

I can't believe mummy went for coffee with Eleanor and didn't take me. I am looking forward to seeing you both on Sunday (and without her!).

Today I am going to hospital to have my adenoids out. This is to try and stop my ear infections. I am not sure what adenoids are but they don't sound very nice. It is just day surgery with anaesthetic. Maybe I will get new grommets as well.

Yesterday Juanita came to my place and spent the day with me. She is very nice and patient. I had three icecreams. Just little ones. We can make them here at home. I have lots of favourite flavours.
