Monday 23 February 2009

From Juanita to mummy

Hi Phillipa,

Me and Rosie have been doing good. Rosie had a busy day today.We headed out to Petone for the Jackson street fair. Was a really fun afternoon. Rosie had a wonderful time feeding her face with hot chips and mini doughnuts! We met my sister and her boyfriend down there, and Rosie really enjoyed hanging out with Suzanne. Then we picked up my brother on the way back into town, and Rosie was sooooo excited to be sitting next to him. Was really really sweet. She was just sitting there with her head on his shoulder, a big smile on her face, and playing with his hands. I really wish I could have taken a photo of it. Was very cute.

We also stopped off at the petshop so me, my brother, and my sister could pick out a budgie each for mum for her birthday next weekend. The pet shop had a petting zoo set up out in the carpark, so Rosie thought that was pretty awesome. She patted the goat, the miniature horses, and the donkey, and had a look at a pig. We were very lucky that the rain cleared for the day. The original forcast was for lots of rain, but its passed quicker than everyone thought which was really nice.

Talk soon, Juanita.