Saturday 5 September 2009

Do Frogs Turn into Princes?

Once upon a time there was a very beautiful princess. She spread joy and happiness where-ever she went. Her name was Rosie. However even though she had everything she needed given to her by her devoted subjects, she felt that there was something missing in her life.
She had heard the story that for some princesses, their princes were disguised as frogs. All you needed to do was to kiss them and the disguise would fall away and in the place of the frog would be a handsome prince.
She practiced her kissing on dogs. It was a very wet experience and the dogs didn’t turn into anything.
Then one day Rosie was walking through a garden and there was a frozen frog with water coming out of its mouth. In fact there were four frozen frogs. She just knew that one of them would be her prince.

She ran quickly up to the first frog and kissed it hard, drinking the water as she did so. Nothing happened.

Then she ran to the next frog and kissed it with all total attention. But still nothing happened.

Then she ran to the third frog and used every ounce of positive thinking that she could bring to bear.

Then tradegy struck. The big people that were with her, dragged her away and the fourth frog- now the one that she absolutely knew was her prince was left unkissed and frozen still.

This is a true story.