Sunday 6 September 2009

Trouble at home

Dear Daddy,

Mummy is going crazy this morning looking after me. I mean surely it is okay if I help myself to breakfast when she is having a cup of tea. And it was only leftovers- pizza from last night. And I took it into the lounge and used the couch as a plate. It was very yummy.

But then she came in all mad at me. So I did the ironing to make up and she didn't even look happy at that.

Then I was trying to get into a drawer in the french dresser and accidently pulled the cloth and all the photos came down and one broke and she was like- just telling me really loudly - to 'sit down Rosie'. It is not as if I am deaf and I didn't do it on purpose.

Then I decided to help with cleaning and I got the ajax bottle and I pulled the lever but it all went in my eye and it hurt. So she washed my eyes out- not very gently. And one eye is a bit red.

Then I thought that I shoudl have a go on the camera. I mean shouldn't families share their things? And she came back in the room and just was real mad and put me in my bedroom and closed the door. Such a grump.

Anyway XinXin came up to get her breakfast and offered to play music with me for an hour.

It is a lovely day today with lots of sunshine. Mummy and me squashed some lavender flowers into a bottle of oil and are making lavender oil which you can light a candle under and make the bathroom smell nice.

Later when Briony comes we are going to the gardens to see if there are tulips out there like there is at home. We are going to take my new trolley . It fits in the rental car, even though the rental car is very small. We have to have the rental car because the transmission has gone again in the green car.

Yesterday we moved the swing because I am getting a trampoline, like you said I was to get. Even though it is the smallest one, it will be very big- ten feet around and it has a netting cage and I can play inside it. I am very excited. You can play with me.

Yesterday also, Matt took me to football and there was a big field next to the game and he and his flatmates pulled me around very fast. It was heaps of fun.

Uncle Johnny is now on skype at school and I am going to talk to him this week. And Aunty Jenny is coming tomorrow on the plane.