Saturday 20 October 2012

Parrot Dog

Hi Matt, 

I came to visit you at the brewery today but you weren't there. Just Kasper at the counter and the ipad :) .. not that I was allowed to touch it. Nor was I even allowed one taste of your beers. 

The long weekend is going great. I went out to see Janet this morning. Took fresh scones, jam and cream along. She had an exercycle at her place, so I was able to have a work out. 

hope to see you very soon, 

lots of loves

Rosiepo XXXXX

Wednesday 10 October 2012

School Holidays

dear Kelly, 

Thank you for stepping up while those parents of mine were away. Did you know when Briony took me up to Auckland the plane was delayed by an hour because Jetstar didn't know there was daylight saving. I got very agitated by waiting in the airport and not know what was happening. 

I did have a very pleasant week on the island.. first with Jon and Briony, then the parents returned and then I met Nathanial and Aurelia. I went to their place, where they have donkeys at the bottom of the garden and then they came to mine and Aurelia and I iced cupcakes. 

Back to school on Monday :) 

lots of love


p.s. this is Jamie who was with me a couple of Summers ago.. he is in Sydney now studying animation

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Parents AWOL

To whom it may concern,

My parents have gone awol and left me looking after the home. Not only that this afternoon I have Soi and Briony to care for and there is rumour Lew, Donna and Kelly are coming on Saturday. On top of this I have my school work and other projects to complete!!!

Yours Sincerely

Rose Helene Matheson

Sunday 16 September 2012

Celebrate Spring

Hi Indie,
Thanks for coming to my house to have afternoon tea. I liked all the food, but my favourite is the fudge because I love chocolate.  I haven't written on my blog for such a long time because now I'm using facebook sooooo much and also my ipad. But I know in a few years time, this is what I will want to look back at.
My favourite programme is on TV.. still Wotty Wots. I'm so busy these days I don't even get much change to watch my tv.. just other peoples favourite stuff in the evenings.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Tennis at the Renouf Centre

dear Tiana,

I loved my first tennis lesson. It was so cool. Thankyou for recommending me. Briony came with me. I was the only girl and the only newbie... so I had an instructor all to myself. We tried putting a ball onto the racket, then he would bounce the ball and Briony and I would hit it, from the back line, then we'd move up a metre and do the same again and then up to the net, where I'd get to throw balls over it.

It was so much fun and I get to go back again next Sunday.



p.s. this is a shag down in Westport from when  I went to visit Grandma and Grandad at the beginning of the school holidays

Sunday 15 July 2012

Mojo Risers

dear Grandma and Grandad,

I hope the rain doesn't wash you all away. It must be funny living on an island. Westport with all three roads in and out, flooded. I have just come back from the Island to start school again.

On Saturday night, Kelly, Daddy, mummy and I went to listen to the Blues at Stefanos. We had pizza first and then the music started at 9.00pm. Kelly got tired at 10.30. And Daddy got tired at 11.30. I would have been happy to have stayed till midnight. Mojo Risers played lots of blues and other songs. I was able to stand in a corner on a chair and dance along. I loved it.   

And this is a photo of Arlo.. 

lots of love


Thursday 12 July 2012

Ready for school

dear Alan,
I'm looking forward to swimming. I miss it very much. Today I did gardening with Daddy. He built a new vege garden and I helped with all the tools available including emptying fertiliser (empty bags) onto the dirt. He would'nt give me his glove so I went and found the garden shed and got one out of there. Trouble is he didn't know I had gone there and panicked thinking I had gone out to the street. Silly Daddy.

see you soon,



Wednesday 11 July 2012


dear Chelle,

This is such a yummy photo of the racoons at your place. I wish I could have seen them. Last night I went to my godmother's place.. Glenda. We went on the boat and then went to pick up Billy the dog from Barkley Manor. When we went in the door, there were windows on the side of the room to the right and you could see over 50 little dogs in it. It was the most fantastic sight I've ever seen. Then one of the teachers came and brought a dog out for me to pat.. and then another one. It was just sooooo cool.


Rosie po

Monday 9 July 2012


dear Hope and Ross,
Thanks for coming to visit and thankyou for the very cool red coat for my birthday. It goes so well with the black beret that U. Don and A. Julia gave me. On Saturday Bill got up very early to take mummy and I to the airport. When we arrived, Jetstar said that they weren't travelling and so we had to rebook for Sunday morning. Luckily we didn't book on the early flight on Sunday as they cancelled that as well.

Now I'm on the island for the week, enjoying my time with Julian and being looked after by the elders.

lots of loves


Monday 11 June 2012


dear Gael,

Here is my school report from today.. and Daddy report :)

"Rosie has done some lovely group work today, being kind to her friends, waiting her turn and sharing well. She did some great work in fine motor group and signed along to the songs beautifully. She participated really well in music therapy. Grooming and langauage group this afternoon."

The very old samoan lady who replaces Soi came again today. Rosie is lovely with her - she takes ages to walk up our steps - and Rosie waits for her at every landing and holds her hand."

The photo is Chelle and Roger... Chelle is mummy's american sister and Roger is her husband.

looking forward to seeing you at my party,



Sunday 10 June 2012


dear U. Jon,

Mummy sent me this of the raccoons in the tree at Chelle's place. You can stand on the front porch and try and take shots. It is very difficult as they sleep most of the day and they live very high up in the tree. Mummy spent a lot of money on a longer lens so she could try and see them :)

I'm sorry you can't make it to my party but I'll see you in the winter holidays.

lots of loves

Rosie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday 14 May 2012

Cincinatti in the Sunshine

dear mummy,

I hope you have a nice visit all the way in Cincinatti. I wish I was going to see Cassie. But I'll look after Daddy while you are gone and Stef is here as well for a couple of weeks.

Tiana thinks I can go to tennis lessons with the adaptive tennis class that is starting and that it just needs Daddy to come along as well to chase the balls. That sounds fun.

I'm looking forward to my birthday party. I got to hand out the invitations at school yesterday.... and people seem excited.

lots of loves


Wednesday 18 April 2012

Bye Bye Julian

dear Julian

It was awesome that you came to see me this week and brought your friend. I will miss you. I will miss our walk each day and someone to play rockets with. And someone to turn on Fireman Sam for me when I can't figure it out. Also when you are here we get a lot more icecream than normal. 

lots of loves


Monday 16 April 2012

Baking failures

dear Eleanor,

today is not a good bread day. Corey made bubble bread dough yesterday but he didn't put the yeast in! So we tried to revive the dough later with yeast mixture and left overnight. It was baked this morning and is revolting. We will take it to the roosters retirement village. The mummy made a gingerbread cake and put the batter in a spring form pan. When she went to pick it up the bottom fell out and there was a disgusting mess all over the stove top, the front of the oven and the floor. Just enough was saved to make half a cake but it is very moist (soggy) and will be best with icecream tonight. 




dear Mummy, 

Happy Birthday for last Friday. Sorry about not getting you a present part from the hugs and kisses. Love the photos of Julian taking me boating. It is so much fun having him and Corey here for the week. I like having different breads they make each day... so far.. bagels, donuts, bubble bread and soon chocolate bread and basil and foccacia sticks. 

love you


Saturday 7 April 2012

Happy Easter

dear A. Soi, 

Thankyou for your txt this morning. I got to lie in bed and then Easter bunny brought up packet of chocolate marshmallow eggs up. I really didn't like him... so I pushed him away.. but managed to get the eggs in any case. 

U. Jon is here and last night he played guitar and we all sang songs. 

hope you are having a lovely easter day. 

lots of loves and hugs 

Rosie xxxxx

Thursday 29 March 2012

Woolf photography

dear Grandma and Grandad,

This was taken by Simon Woolf. He took a few shots and one of them will be in a coffee table book that will be produced to celebrate the centenary of Wellington Hospital. I really loved being in a studio and kept asking Mr Woolf to take 'more' and 'more' photos. 

I hope you are having a fun time in the Chathams. 

lots of love


Monday 26 March 2012

Shaami and Umaira, congratulations

dear Shaami and Umaira

How exciting to see baby. He is so beautiful and happy looking. Please send me more photos. Maybe one day he will come to visit New Zealand and I can teach him how to swim. I am swimming 5 times a week now. Three times with mummy, one time with school and then my swimming lesson on Sunday mornings. 

lots and lots of congratulations



Sunday 25 March 2012

Leolie and Arlo

dear Leolie, 

It was so exciting to meet Arlo on Saturday when you came to the railway station. It was fun having mummy take photos of you both and me being the assistant. It was really nice of you to bus in in the rain.

I am really looking forward to seeing Arlo and you again soon, 

lots of love


Monday 19 March 2012

Long Time Swimming

dear Alan,

You might think I've only been swimming a little while but here is me when I was just turning three. It was such fun swimming through your legs on Sunday. I hope I can learn to do more swimming underwater. 

This week mummy has been on the island and so daddy has been taking me to the hydrotherapy pool at Kilbirnie. It is so warm there I don't have to wear a wetsuit. I know all the people who come to the pool early in the morning and they all say hello to me. I go three mornings a week before school. 

looking forward to next Sunday and seeing you



Friday 16 March 2012

Pelecanus conspicillatus

dear Jamie,

How is your course going? I bet Sydney has a lot more sunshine than I get to see here in Wellington.
Mummy had a photo accepted in the National Exhibition of the Photography Society,  this week. It is these two pelicans at the beach. It is on the Gold Coast... so not too far from you. 

I am doing a lot of swimming and music.

Hope to see you one day, 



Tuesday 13 March 2012

Josh's birthday party

Hi Josh,

Thanks for inviting me to your party at school. It was great to see my old classmates again. I miss seeing you guys. I am the youngest in my class now by 4 years. I loved your cake and the spacey theme. I loved the food; savouries are my favourite. 


Rosie XXX

Thursday 8 March 2012

My mummy and me

dear Chelle,

Mummy is coming to see you in Cincinatti and it is only two months way. And she is not bringing me! Here she is trying to snuggle up to me, but I think she is actually tickling my neck. We were dressed up to go to Mel and Matts for dinner. Mummy bought the chain around her neck on trade me (which is like E-bay) at Xmas time and the guy she bought it from sent her like, another five items of jewellry that he hadn't managed to sell. He wrote a letter to her and said he was giving it to her ... just because he could.  Wasn't that nice :) It was a big surprise.

lots of love to you and give Cassie a hug from me.



Tuesday 6 March 2012

Riding for the Disabled 2

dear Jess, 

These are photos from 2010, when I was just a little girl at RDA. 

And here is my report from the end of last year.

Ride length exercises challenges.
During Rosie's active rides she has been participating in activities and starting to accept when they are over.e.g hand the toy back. Rosie enjoys playing basketball as well as the can shuffle and the rings. When bored or not interested in activities Rosie will much around on the horses back. So as to give her something to concentrate on, she will be turned around to ride backwards. 

Balance and trunk control. Position and posture coordination sidewalker support.
Rosie really benefits from riding backwards particularly when she is sitting on the horse's withers which means she needs to prop on the horses back with her arms. Rosie has excellent natural ballance.  

Behaviour, focus, energy level, communication.
Rosie communicates well with her horse when prompted and is being encouraged to make choices between activities. When interested in the activity Rosie will remain focused, and on completion she enjoys receiving praise. 

Occasionally Rosie gets upset at the ramp before mounting but once on her horse she settles down. The rest of the time Rosie mounts confidently and independently. Once dismounted Rosie will often grab the reins or leadrope to help lead the horse our of the arena.  I've been really impressed with Rosie's attitude towards activities ending, and sharing. 

Riding for the Disabled

dear Godfolks, 

Its taken a while to input this, but this is my riding report from the middle of last year. I was going to RDA for a couple of terms on a Wednesday morning and riding Bronte. 

This isn't a horse.. its a zebra that Sabian took a photo of when he was in South Africa. 

Ride Length, Exercises, Challenges
Rosie rides for around 20 minutes and is beginning to show more interesting in participating in activities. The activities have included basketball, stretching to place rings and putting golfballs down the pipe. Rosie has also been doing some position work, as well as riding out of the arena and trotting. 

Balance and trunk control. Position and posture coordination. Sidewalker support. 
Rosie has good balance and the ability and feel to remain centred while riding. However Rosie appears to enjoy leaning off to each side, to the extent of almost slipping off, to test the boundaries. Several 'controlled dismounts' haven taken place during her rides. When the ride is very active and Rosie is engaged, her position remains correct. 

Behaviour, focus, energy level and communication.
Rosie communicates well with Bronte, and with the support of her sidewalkers, Rosie is being prompted to sign more often during activities. Rosie concentrates well with activities and displays good listening skills. 

Rosie mounts at the ramp semi-independently and enjoys participating in end-of-ride activities such as leading Bronte out of the arena. 

Monday 5 March 2012

Sabian's abstract

dear Sabian,

We have had your photo made into a canvas and now it is hanging above the scotch chest on the island. It looks great. If you can get treat-me vouchers for pixel paint then the canvas's don't cost so much. This is a real big one, like nearly a meter across the top. 

When Julian and Korey saw it they thought the hole was a mouse. That is because everyone who looks at it sees different things. And they have no idea it was taken when you were in South Africa running with your school. 

lots of loves


Sunday 4 March 2012

Drink to thee only ...

dear Julie,

Thankyou for your email. I am very proficient now at getting my own ice for my drinks. I was quite able to fill my glass with water, but the new kitchen has a different tap and I'm not used to it yet.

I have a new teacher at school. She is also called Sue, like my old teacher. She is just getting to know me. I like to play tricks on her. Like she says, 'hang your bag up on your hook, where you photo is'. I pretend I don't know what she is saying and I get Tane's photo and take it off the wall and go and sit down. Then she says 'take your lunchbox and put it away'. I get my lunchbox and go and visit Room 2 and then wander back and put it on the sink, underneath the cupboard where the lunchboxes go. She says'oh, good girl.. nearly there' :) :) lol.



Thursday 1 March 2012

Church with Soi

dear A. Soi,

thanks for taking me to your church.. after function. I really enjoyed being with the kids and eating cakes and scones. It was also nice to dress up pretty. I liked all the lavalava's. Maybe I could wear one of those one day?

I hope your knee is getting better soon, else you won't be able to come on the trampoline with me. Mummy has gone up to the island for the weekend and Julian and his friend, Kory are staying with her. Its not very fair.



Sunday 26 February 2012


dear Gael,

Thankyou for the wonderful lunch on Saturday. It was so much fun playing with Molly. I do hope you bring her to visit me at home.

On Sunday after swimming I went to Soi's church in Strathmore. I spent the afternoon with her. We had lunch at the church, which is in the community centre and then I went to her niece's place. It was so relaxing. I got home at 7 pm and there were lots of uncles and aunties sitting round having dinner; Mary, Les, Helen, Angie, John, Jim, Sarah and Julia. I chatted for a while but was quite tired and so slipped off to bed.

love from


Thursday 23 February 2012

Dynamic Drumming

dear Bill

I went to drumming again this week. I am still just watching the other kids do it most of the time. At half time we played a game... last week it was that you tag someone, they have to jump up and chase you round the circle. You try to get to their chair first. This week was a different game but I decided that I liked last weeks better and so I just kept playing that one regardless.

I took daddy swimming on Wednesday (mummy is away at Grandad/Grandmas). Someone told him that I had the X factor (but I don't think they meant like Johnny Ruffo) and another said that I was an 'exotic flower'. Hmmmm

hope to see you soon,


Rosie po xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday 20 February 2012


dear Briony, 
It is so nice to have you coming back round to see me this year. I don't mind how ever many years you want to keep studying as long it is in the same city that I live in. You know I'm growing up, but I think I'd still like to go to Junglerama this year and then there is the StarJam monthly meetings. But it is also okay for us to just hangout at home sometimes and listen to music.

Can you see the spirits trapped in the drops above? 

lots of love


Magic Moments

dear M and M's

Thankyou so much for dinner tonight. I love bruschetta and tiramisu. It was so really nice to see you again. I'm hoping I get to come to the warehouse and see the brewery and also come out one Sunday. 

In January Carolyn and Bevan got married. When I saw the photos I could hardly even recognise Carolyn but I could see the chocolate cake :) 

lots of love

Rosie Po 

Thursday 16 February 2012

Outfitted courtesy of Phil Wood (my grandad)

Hi Ria, 

thats nice that you read my blog :) 

I miss you all during the day but I'm also enjoying my new class as well. 

My teacher has made a new game for me on the interactive white board, where I click on my photo and then I have to virtually take a pen and draw along the road from my cartoon picture to the house. Then once I've done that I get to press on the letters of my name and they are spoken out loud and then I get to turn to a page with musical instruments on it. Each one I press makes the sound of that instrument. It is very exciting. 

lots of loves


Wednesday 15 February 2012

Dynamic Drumming

Hi Carolyn,

Last night I went to my first dynamic drumming workshop as a Star Jammer. I went to Johnsonville first to MacDonalds and then to the Community Centre. There were 6 Jammers and parents. I sat down nicely and just watched for ages to see how it all works. Then when it was time for a solo, I didn't really get what was happening and I had been asked to go first. However after a couple of other kids had done their solos, I entered enthusiastically into mine without even having to be asked :) Everybody clapped. And one father even said 'I thought this was a workshop for amateurs'.

Daddy took this photo of me last year.. and you and I know that I've done quite a lot of drumming.

hope you are well today and I see you this evening.

lots of love

Rosie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Friday 3 February 2012

Social Smoking

dear U. Jon,

thankyou for showing me how to do smoking. I had learned years ago from watching G. Stella and then Matt.. but it was good to remember again. This is me at Cable Bay Vineyard, waiting for Grandma, Grandad and Jenny to finish their wine tasting.
