Tuesday 29 December 2009

Cheers from Waiheke

dear Ailsa,
I was very nice that you could come to stay at my place. I am sorry I stole some of your breakfast, though I did think that you might not want it anymore.

And it was fun being at the beach with you and jumping in all the waves. And you looked very cool on the wahu blow up board.

Did you bring this wind with you from Wellington? I didn't even get to go outside after you left and the trees around my house look like they are sweeping the sky clean.

Monday 28 December 2009

Sunday 27 December 2009

Helping myself

dear Sabian and Julian,

Just a word of warning for when you visit. You can get very hungry around here if you don't start helping yourself. And the quality of accessible food isn't always what one might hope for. Today after only three pieces of fruit loaf for breakfast and a can of baked beans (medium sized) for lunch I found that by mid afternoon hunger was setting in. I hadn't been offered the pizza that others here had for lunch but I managed to scrape up the remains (the soggy middle piece) off the pizza stone and then grab a glass of water out of the sink (dishwashing water). I thought I better aim for eating it on the spot (the kitchen floor) as who knows what other scavengers might get in on the deal.

see you soon,

lots of love

Rose Helene

Saturday 26 December 2009

Sun setting

dear Nicola,
I really like dogs. When did you adopt Eiger? You know that I am adopted too.
This photo is from our deck. It is like one Mummy took in Dominica when she was working for you.
I had my Xmas day on the island. On Wednesday I saw Santa Claus in Hamilton and he said I had been a good girl and would get presents.. and he kept his promise :) I got lots of fun and pretty things. I got this stick you turn around and it makes a noise. I got safety gears for the beach (I guess cos I nearly drowned) and today my godmther and my god-grandmother came to visit and I got a very cool beach towel from god-grandmother Stella and a very very very cool steering wheel from Glenda.
You will have to come and see us one day. I guess Eiger isn't allowed on the aeroplane..

Wednesday 23 December 2009


dear Lauree,

I flew the kite. It was very exciting and it just lifts up off the ground and goes high high high up in the air. You can just see the spot on the photo. But then I saw some kids and I ran after them and the trees grabbed my kite as I ran.
Luckily my U. Johnny was nearby and he managed to rescue it. Just I will have to buy a new handle and string part.
Please give Kara and Georgia a hug and kiss for Xmas from me,
Thankyou for the kite,
love and hugs

Monday 21 December 2009


dear Grandma and Grandad,

Now it is Summer on the Island. I get to go for a swim every day. At this beach no dogs are allowed and you aren't allowed to have tents either and stay the night (only at the campground area) because there are little baby birds. I am not allowed to go and see the little baby birds because I might be too scary to them.

Today I was under a pohutakawa tree at Whakanewha and I made my Bok Bok sound. Then a bird copied me. Then another bird copied and then across the park you could hear another bird copying. It was very funny.

lots of love


Saturday 19 December 2009

Island Time

dear Jamie,

Where are you? I am back here on the island and you are not here. Today I went for a swim with the boogy board. I am more coordinated now and I can manage by myself in the shallow water. Also the Onetangi beach has got a pool in it when the waves are out and the water in that is warm as.

Johnny is here and he is doing lots of fix it things. He has fixitted the shower head and the kitchen cupboard doors. He has also fixitted the view so we can see the sea from the kitchen table again.

I wish you a very merry xmas,

lots of love


Tuesday 15 December 2009

Tooth accident

dear Eleanor,

This morning as I was walking from the car park to the Riddiford building, I fell flat on my face and I hurt my cheek. It was bleeding a little and sore and now there is a big bruise there.

The specialist looked at my squint and said that he wouldn't operate at this stage as it is not certain that it will improve things.

When I got to school they noticed that I have a big big chip out of my left front tooth and so tonight I am going to the emergency dentist. It means I get to stay up real late.

lots of love

Angel Face

dear Great Aunty Joan,

Thankyou for the Xmas card. Xmas is going well in my home. Last night after school there were Xmas fruit mince pies to eat. There were two plates and one on each plate. I had one, it was yummy, so I quickly ate the other. But then I saw mummy's face and she didn't look happy.

She went to the pantry and got another one out and put it on the plate and went to turn on Xmas music on the stereo. I couldn't believe I was getting to have yet another one of these treats. So I ate that it quickly with a lot of Xmas spirit.

Mummy came back from turning on the stereo. It was very very clear that she was not feeling any Xmas spirit at all.

They were very nice fruit mince pies.

I hope you have a lovely Xmas. I am sorry to hear that you have been in hospital. Get well soon.



Friday 11 December 2009

Train Trips

dear Tenika,

Yesterday I went with all my class on the train to Johnsonville. We had to do our Christmas Shopping. It went well and we shopped and shopped and had macdonalds as well. And I got to sit in a puddle.

This is my Xmas tree. It has lots of lights that flash. There is a button and I push it and the lights twinkle faster and slower. Mummy and Glenda bought the lights in Paris for my welcome home party a long time ago.

Only one more week of school

lots of love


Thursday 10 December 2009

The Weekly School Cup

Need I say more
Rosie XXXX

Lighting up for Xmas

dear U. Johnny,

This is the bottom of the big christmas tree that is where the santa line telephone box is. I haven't seen the lights when they are on yet.

At the bottom there are great big bean bags that you can sit on and climb all over. It is lots of fun,

see you very soon,

love and kisses


Monday 7 December 2009

Santa Line

dear Santa,

Just in case you did remember what I asked for when I saw you at Capital E, I have left a message on your answer phone. I hope you clear your messages?

Yesterday my school had a Christmas BBQ. Lots of families came and there were some really nice boys who played with me on the trampoline. I also to to watch them shoot basket balls. They were awesome.


Rose Helene

Friday 4 December 2009

Santa Claus is coming to town

dear Grandma and Grandad

I met Santa Claus. My school went to Capital E and Santa was there and he had a ukelele for me to play. I was very happy. I got to tell him what I wanted for Christmas and he promised me that I would get it. So now I am very excited. I just hope he knows that I will be on Waiheke and not in Welllington so that he sends it to the right place.
love and hugs.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

dear Jenny

It is still raining in Wellington. It rains and rains and rains. It is not good waiting for it to stop raining to go on my trampoline. I have to just tramp in the rain.

These photos are of Matt. I don't think you met him when you came to visit. He is very nice and Mel's boyfriend.
How is your Xmas shopping going? I don't think I have started mine yet... but then I delegate, so who knows where it is up to.
lots of love