Thursday 29 December 2011

Kodak Mini

dear Bill and Janet,

Thankyou so much for the kodak mini for christmas. I have watched youtube and gradually am working out how to use it. This is just the first try.. it will get better.

I just saw that temperature in Wellington is 14 degrees.. it is 20 degrees here and going up to 24 degrees in the next few days.. but the rain isn't stopping.

lots of love and hugs


Tuesday 27 December 2011

Christmas time

dear U. Jon,

Thankyou for coming up here before Xmas to play with me. I love using headphones to listen to music on your laptop while you are working on it. I do like going on the Rosie Walk with you even if I protest at the time and I like helping with the painting and climbing ladders.
look forward to seeing you at the family party.. soon.
lots of love


Sunday 20 November 2011


dear Glenda and G. Stella,
It was nice to have you stay a few weeks ago. Yesterday we went to buy icecreams yesterday with one of our vouchers. It was so windy and cold. We sat down on the grass where the band was playing for the Maori party but then my icecream fell off the cone. I didn't worry, I just kept thrusting the cone at it till it stuck on again and I could pick it up and eat it.

Monday 14 November 2011

Daddy came home!

dear Grandma and Grandad,

Daddy came home on the plane last night. I went to the airport to meet him but felt a little shy as he was away for more than two months. However when we got home I gave him a gin and tonic and we relaxed.

He will have to mow the lawn. You can see how long it is when I put my combi van down.

give Robbie a ball from me.



Sunday 13 November 2011

Digging to be done

dear Julie,

I get all sorts of opportunities at school to try out various occupations. I really like driving the diggers that are making the new school playground at the Intermediate school. They are having to smooth it all over so that the wheelchairs from my school can travel on it safely.

I'm doing well. Mummy is back from holiday and Daddy arrives back from his two months in the UK, tonight. I hope you are well.



Friday 28 October 2011

Holding the fort

dear Mel,

I'm left holding the fort for the next 10 days.. both parents skipping out on me. Daddy is still in the UK and who knows where mummy is disappearing to. I can see that she has a suitcase packed and it has her swimsuit in it and sunscreen.

I'll be fine. I know.

My swimming is getting so good. When I go to the hydrotherapy pool before school, I can do 30 pull-ups (not my nappies) on the end of the pool. It is making my arm muscles even stronger. I can also open the car door, get in and then most of the time, close it. Not able to put on my seat belt yet.

Hope to see you soon,

lots of loves


Sunday 23 October 2011


dear Briony, Kevin and Mandy,

Thanks for taking me scooting. This scooter is just so cool.

And thankyou for the lovely lunch with lots of my favourite

foods; salmon, avocado, brie cheese and scrambled egg. I also loved the red chair that goes up an


lots of love


Saturday 22 October 2011

Hawkes Bay

Hi Joshua,

I've just gotten myself a cushion off the bed and am settling in to watching TT's before the big game tonight. I've been out at Briony's parents home today for lunch and then remembered I hadn't told you yet how much fun bowling was.

Hope our class comes out to NaeNae soon. I'm really looking forward to going back to school. Just two more sleeps.


Rosie XXX

Sunday 16 October 2011

Denniston.. my great grandmother taught here

dear Kelly

Today we went up to Den
niston which is right up the top of the mountains behin
d Westport. I looked at all the artefacts but got a bit bored and so spent some time driving the car and watching the motorcycle group with their bikes arrive from Rangiora.

lots of loves


Tuesday 11 October 2011

South Africa vs. Australia

Hi Sue,

I went down to Fanzone and listened to two bands and had dinner at Nandos.

From Nandos we could see the screen for the beginning of the game but then it was a bit cold so we went home and watched the rest. Sabian and Julian and mummy were with me.

hope you are having a nice holiday


Rosie XXXX

Wednesday 5 October 2011

I'm a champion

dear Eleanor,

This photo was taken at the opening of the new school out at Naenae. Mummy was taking my photo and the minister came and asked if I would like my photo taken with her.

The photo was entered into a Southern Regional Exhibition in Dunedin and it is the champion photo for the photojournalism print section.

lots of loves


Saturday 1 October 2011

Visiting Taupo

dear U. Jon,

Thanks for having me to stay last Saturday night. It was great going visiting and blobbing out in front of TV as well as going to the park.

This week went really fast. I went swimming three times with mummy in the morning, then shared a date scone and then went to school and had breakfast. I went horseriding and got to go out of the arena on the horse.

On Friday I went with Sue, Ria and mummy to Marina's funeral. She was out at NaeNae now, but she used to be in my class and was really smiley cept when I played with her chair. The funeral was in a very light church with lots of people and all of Marina's family, cousins and everybody. The cousins sang Edelweiss and put Marina's name in it. They sounded beautiful.

lots of loves


Friday 16 September 2011


Hi Alison

Thanks for bringing Freddy round to play today. I think he enjoyed having a playdate and being in a new place. Maybe next time he won't even have to wear a halter outside. I thought he was so awesome, just hiding in places and then strolling out around the house.

lots of love


Thursday 15 September 2011

Hectic Social life

Hi Daddy,

It is so busy here without you. I had two nights out at Oasis and then after arriving home last night, had Carolyn round for music and then out to Mel and Matts. I got to sip the Parrot Beer.. it is quite strong tasting.. bit strong for me but it looks a lovely colour in the glass. Matt is selling it everywhere. He, and Matt and Matt have an order for a super market! And Mel has been travelling all over the place hosting events for a client. They are just so busy now also.

I hope you will be on skype when you get to Oxford. I'm sorry your computer broke down in India.

lots of loves and cuddles


Tuesday 13 September 2011

Stormy weather

Hi Julian and Sabian,

I'm so excited about your coming down for the next holidays. That will be so cool. We had amazing hailstones here yesterday. I don't guess they will happen again when you are here. The tulips in the garden didn't like them at all.

Did you know that my daddy has gone away for ten weeks. He is in Jaipur today and then he is going to Oxford. I just miss him so much. And at the moment his computer has broken down and he isn't even on skype :(

lots of love


Saturday 10 September 2011

Tiramisu Recipe

Tiramisu Recipe for 6/8 people
· 500gr Mascarpone cheese (approx. 1 lb.)
· 3 eggs yolks NO WHITES
· 2 packages savoiardi lady fingers
· 4 tablespoons of sugar
· 2 tablespoon of cocco rum
· 12 cups of espresso coffee, espresso sized cups
· 4 tablespoons powdered unsweetened cocoa

Preliminary Steps:

Bring all ingredients to room temperature.
Make the espresso and poor it into shallow flat-bottomed bowl and allow to cool to room temperature.
Separate egg yolks and whites.


In the mixing bowl, beat egg yolks and sugar until creamy white. Add mascarpone and 2 tablespoon of cocco rum and mix until blended. Leave this mixture in the bowl.
Quickly dip a savoiardo in the espresso bowl. To get the right amount of espresso on the savoiardi:
1) Lay the finger flat in the bottom of the bowl sugared side UP and immediately pull it out.
2) Then place each finger flat in the bottom of the pan sugar side DOWN. The savoiardi will quickly absorb the espresso.
If you soak the savoiardi in the espresso you will end up with soggy savoiardi instead of moist savoiardi.
Taste the first savoirardo spooned into the coffee (normally the coffee has to be without sugar). If it is sufficiently sweet continue. If not you can put a little quantity of sugar into the coffee.


Build a layer of dipped savoiardi across the bottom of the pan. If some of the savoiardi do not look 'dark' from the espresso, spoon a few more drops of espresso on the savoiardi. Any espresso left in the bottom of the pan will be absorbed by the savoiardi. Too much espresso will turn the fingers into a soggy mess.
Spoon a layer of egg/mascarpone mixture across the layer of savoiardi. Use about 1/2 of the mascarpone mix. The layer should be about 1cm. (3/8in.) thick.
Dip another layer of savoiardi and lay them on the mascarpone mix. Layer them as before, sugar side down. Drip espresso on the savoiardi that don't look dark from the coffee.
Spoon a second layer of egg/mascarpone mixture across the second layer of savoiardi. Use the remaining mascarpone mix. The layer should be about 1cm. (3/8in.) thick.
If you want you can build 3 layers putting the savoiardi in vertical/horizontal/vertical position. This looks great.
Sift cocoa on top of the second mascarpone layer. Scoop a tablespoon of cocoa into a small sieve. Hold the sieve over the tiramisu and tap the sieve on the side with your finger. The cocoa should sprinkle down in an even layer. Use this technique to cover the tiramisu with a very thin layer of cocoa.
Refrigerate for at least 4 hours before serving. The Tiramisu will keep for several days if refrigerated.

Friday 9 September 2011

Would you like a kiss?

Hi Laurie,

Remember this dog? He was in Hamner when I went there.. at the top of the hill.

I stayed up tonight and watched the opening ceremony for the Rugby World Cup. I loved the fireworks and the music. We have been talking about the Rugby a lot at school and get to take sides all the time. Pakistan doesn't have a team, so I just support the All Blacks.

Hope to see you again soon with Kara and Georgia,

love from

Rosie XXXX

Thursday 8 September 2011

Foot to mouth

Hi Carolyn

Thanks so much for being my music mate. I just love out time together.

You know you can have foot and mouth disease. And you can have putting your foot in your mouth. And here is monkey with foot to mouth, thinking.

See you on Sunday,



Monday 5 September 2011

Updates on my skills at school :)


This term I have improved my skills. This is from my IEP review.

"Rosie has made good progress since her previous IEP. When using the Picture Exchange Communications System (PECS) she is able to choose a photo from her book, place it on the "I want" strip and then pass it to an adult. She will point at "I want" and then the item and will make an attempt at vocalising her request. Previously Rosie would only choose to play with the bubbles. She is now choosing other toys even then the bubbles are an option.

Rosie is more patient when waiting for her turn. She is able to stand in a queue out in the community and she will happily wait for her turn during a music or circle time session. Rosie is also showing an understanding of the word 'later' and is able to control her emotions when she is unable to access an activity straight away.

Rosie has developed some good strategies for controlling her saliva. She wears a sweat band on her wrist and will wipe her mouth when asked to do so. Rosie has also learned how to suck her saliva back by using a breath control device.

During meal times Rosie is able to eat independently, eat only her food and stay seated at the table until her meal is finished. She is also doing well at eating with others and in social settings. Rosie is friendly towards others and enjoys playing alongside her peers. She has a greater understanding of sharing toys. Rosie is also more away of when she has behaved inappropriately.

Rosie has been swimming three times a week this year. Her swimming has improved greatly and it is fantastic that she has gained skills that will help to keep her safe in the water. Rosie is able to swim more than ten metres with flippers on and can swim five metres without flippers. Rosie swims in an upright position when she is not wearing flippers. She is now confident to put her head under the water and float with her face down. Rosie can blow bubbles, kick with her legs and dig her arms to propel herself forwards. She relaxes on her back with a small amount of support from an adult. When attempting to jump into the water from the side of the pool Rosie steps with one foot rather than jumping with two feet together.

Rosie is left handed and should be encouraged to use her left hand when completing activities."

Sunday 21 August 2011

School report July 2011

Kimi Ora School Report
July 2011
Rosie has made pleasing progress over the last few months. She’s able to focus on tasks and show a greater understanding of instructions. Rosie joins in beautifully with class activities. She has learned routines very well and will join in with 20-30 minute sessions with verbal prompting only.
One of Rosie’s goals is to join in appropriately at communal meal times. Rosie has had some wonderful successes with this and has enjoyed all opportunities to take part in school parties and functions! Recently during a shared morning teak Rosie independently went to the table, took one item of food and returned to her seat without any verbal prompting. Once she had finished her item of food she repeated the process. Rosie continues to work on keeping clean while eating.
Rosie’s communication skills are improving. She has become a whizz at PECS phase IV and is placing her choice of object on the sentence strip next to the “I want” symbol. Rosie has been using sentences when passing the sentence strip over to her communication partner. She will independently point at pictures, moving left to right when ‘saying’ the sentence. Rosie has a range of words that she says consistently and at appropriate times such as; “chippies”, “go”, “guitar”, “more”, “me”, “bye”, “no” and “oh oh”. Rosie continues to sue some sign language throughout the day and we are working on expanding this through the use of songs. This term our focus has been on learning some of the signs for the songs “We are going on a Bear Hunt: and “Old McDonald had a Farm”.
Rosie has been working on imitation and being aware of her mouth. She uses a sweat band on her wrist to wipe her mouith when asked to do so. Rosie has been developing her oral motor skills by using wind instruments such as a kazoo, a duck noise maker and an inhalation exerciser which moves balls up a clear channel when she breathes in. Rosie ishaving some success with the instruments but has been struggling with the concept of sucking. On one occasion she was able to make the balls move by sucking and was therefore beginning to show some understanding of what she needs to do.
Rosie has been working on sequencing activities that require her to complete two steps. She shows persistence and enthusiasm with tasks and objects that are highly motivating such as using assistive technology to activate utensils during cooking, or when using musical instruments. Activities that require more precise fine motor skills can be challenging for Rosie. She will often stabilize objects against her body rather than manipulate them using both her hands. This will continue to be a focus for Rosie as more refined fine motor skills will increase her success during activities and her willingness to continue to practice a variety of skills with less frustration.
Rosie continues to be a very active and excited member of groups in which assistive technology is used. She is beginning to show more control and restraint and is using switches appropriately. Rosie is working on holding switches down and then releasing her hold once the task is complete.
It is encouraging to see that Rosie continues to progress with her rate of success on the toilet. She is becoming more successful each Term. Her achievement rate has generally been around 80% each week- well down Rosie!
Rosie has accomplished her swimming goal and is able to swim ten metres with the assistance of flippers. She is very motivated in the water and kicks her legs beautifully. Rosie will blow bubbles when encouraged to do so and uses dog paddle type stroke. This term Rosie has been working on retrieving an item from the bottom of the pool by blowing out bubbles and immersing herself under the water independently. She is comfortable floating on her back with a very small amount of support on her shoulders. She pushes her hips up and relaxes her head back into the water. Rosie is able to push off from a crouched position on the side of the pool. Her next step is to push off from the side and then turn around to reach for the side of the pool again. This will help her keep safe in the water.
Rosie is encouraged to try to work herself up on a swing and is beginning to get the idea of straightening and then bending her knees to gain momentum. She is becoming more confident on playground equipment such as chain bridges and shows much more attention to where she is placing her feet. It has been great to see Rosie showing more caution in these challenging situations.
Rosie is developing some neat friendships with her classmates. She is often content to play by herself and also has times of playing alongside and with others. Rosie is much more tolerant towards other students. She is showing an understanding of turn taking, sharing and having to wait for others.
Rosie is a pleasure to teach and we look forward to helping her achieve her goals throughout the year.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Snow storms

dear Viv,
These are cool photos of my home and my trampoline. I was so busy watching teletubbies yesterday that I didn't even really appreciate the snow. I only went out to take daddy to the airport so he could fly to Waiheke. There had been some thoughts of going for a swim but the rain was going sideways and it was getting dark, so best just to come home and snuggle up with my hot water bottle.
Rosie XXX

Wednesday 10 August 2011


Hi Matt,
Congratulations on making good beer and winning peoples choice award. Can't wait to try some. I guess you guys named it after the parrot in the flat :)
I had a great holiday on the island and now am back at school. Same old routines; swimming, horseriding, spas, walks to shops, and heaps of music. Just suits me so much.
Did you know I now go to Oasis for overnights. I know when I'm going because my trolley bag is packed and waiting in the hallway. I get very excited.
My hair is short again. You have to see me before it gets heaps long, which it does really fast.
miss you, loves

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Winter on Waiheke

dear A. Tehzeeb,

So now you are living in Jordan. It is cold here but not as cold as in the South Island where there is lots of snow and kids get to make snowmen. I can see it on the TV.

The first week of my holidays was so busy looking after my cousin Julian, and my uncle, Johnny and then I had Kelly here and on the weekend lots of people came to stay. We had a mid-Winter Xmas Dinner. Kelly did all the cooking. She made chicken liver pate, hummous, a blue cheese spread and then there was roast beef with horseradish sauce and mustard and lots of roast veges and salad followed by a tasty raspberry shortcake. It was amazing. There were 15 people for dinner. I fell asleep before the presents were handed out. They were just little presents but I wish I had been awake.

Lots of love


Wednesday 20 July 2011

Holiday times

dear Eleanor,
I'm up on the island now.. it is raining but our house is warm and I have my latest teletubbies Xmas CD on. We are having a mid winter Xmas dinner party on Saturday night, so it is very appropriate. Kelly is cooking for it and we have brought the big picnic table in from outside and dried it out. Plus we are going to have decorations.. the lights you gave me many Xmas's ago are strung around one of the beams on the ceiling. I had to buy a $5 present to go into a bag and then everyone draws out a lucky dip present. It will be fun.
lots of love
p.s. this is a lizard from Cudabak Island

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Cudabak Island, Sumatra

Parents have been away for two weeks and I have been at Oasis, looking after Briony and then Kelly. It has been hectic. Luckily they are home tomorrow/next day and I can relax for a while. Of course school holidays for the next two weeks, from Friday. Should be great. Julian is coming over to the island on Monday and then Jon the following Friday.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Happy Birthday

Hi Everyone,
Today is my 9th birthday. I celebrated it last Saturday with a party. 83 people came to it! It was lots of fun. There was a long table with lollies, sausage rolls, sandwiches, chippies and softdrink. There was food for grown ups as well like chocolate covered apricots. Carolyn played music for all of the kids and then XinXin played piano accordian for singing Happy Birthday and the playing background music. It was awesome. So today I'm off to school and we will have mini-magnums to celebrate.

Lots of love and thankyous,


p.s. the track is for Hex bugs

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Mini Marquee

dear A. Tehzeeb,
I know it is not nearly as big as the one you have in your garden for dinner, but this only has to house me and some friends out of the rain on my birthday.
My party is this weekend and when I got home from school today there were all sorts of preparations going on. It is going to be very exciting. I will be 9 years old. Such a long time when you and mummy came and picked me up from the hospice.
lots of love

Sunday 5 June 2011

The Curry Pot

Dear U. J,

I got taken out to this restaurant with southern indian cuisine. We had a voucher which meant we got yummy food at 50% off. Mummy and Briony came with me. I had this pancake. It was like an enormous crepe or roti with dhal and raita and a tomato yoghurt.

We also had potato and eggplant and chicken dishes. There was so much food we took the left over home and ate it the next day.

I hope zainab and zekeria and all the family are very well.



Wednesday 1 June 2011

Happy Birthday Grandma

dear Grandma
Happy 79th birthday. Briony took these photos when we went to Junglerama a few wekes ago. I really liked playing on the roll out piano and with the balls.

Our new classrooms are on the site of Evan's Bay Intermediate School (EBIS). It is so much fun being there. We can go to Kilbirnie shops at lunchtime and off to the pool, where I now go twice a week during school to go swimming. The kids at EBIS come and play with us at lunchtime and I get to visit them in their classrooms and sometimes go to things like choir practice.

happy birthday again,

lots of love


Wednesday 25 May 2011

May 2011

I can't believe it has been over a month since I posted. Life is just so busy these days. I've started organising for my birthday party. It will have a teletubbie theme. Lately this is the only DVD I've been watching and I now have all the TTs as well as a TT alarm clock and money box.
One of my friends has died a few weeks ago, Ella. Daddy and I went to the funeral which was so beautiful. Carolyn and Andrew played guitar and the last song was Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. It finished and it was very very quiet afterwards so I felt that someone needed to ask for an encore. So I called out, very clearly 'More, More'. Everyone laughed.
Today I'm going out to Oasis for two nights. I love going there. My trolley was all packed last night and I was so excited to see it in the hall.
I will write a bit more from now on.

Monday 18 April 2011

Busy Busy

dear A. Kanate,

It is all go up here. I am hosting my three cousins, Sabian, Julian and Ben and also my A. Sonja. So much to do each day and so little time. Yesterday I got the cook to make version 7 of the choc. caramel slice. This is the best version yet. She put the apricots and coconut shred in the microwave for one minute with a little water and that made them succulent. Also on top there were two cans of caramelised condensed milk. Not the sort that is pre-done but ones that she had boiled for 3 hours. And the choc. part was two cakes, one of orange Lindt and the other Old Gold. It is quite quite yummy. I guess you must be missing me, but I will be back soon. I hope the Dahlias and ferns looked very nice in your church


Tuesday 12 April 2011

New Escape Route Opening Up?

dear Eleanor,

Don't tell anyone but behind the curtains in the lounge are windows and I am experimenting with opening them. Just a little bit each day when I am sure no one is watching me. I stood there the other night so quietly that couldn't find me at all. She ran down the steps in the dark to check the gate was closed and then was calling and calling all round the house. I stayed super silent. Bit mean really, I s'pose.

lots of loves Rosie XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

p.s it is mummy's birthday today but I don't think she has anything special plan that include me :(

p.s.s This is Briony and Me last Friday night at the After Hours

Sunday 10 April 2011

Briony is Brave

dear Mandy and Kevin,

Last night I went to the afterhours to help Briony because of the hockey ball hitting her eyebrow. It looked terrible, lots worse than when I tipped into the corner of the wall and had to get my forehead glued. Briony had to have a tetanus shot and four stitches. There was a doctor and a trainee doctor who had worked in the outback in Australia and seen even worse cuts. She was doing a writing course and wanted lots of advice from Briony. Afterwards we went to McDonalds to give her comfort and then she stayed the night on my couch.

So she is well looked after and you are not to worry,

loves Rosie XXXXXX

Sunday 3 April 2011


dear Ria, I think we need to readjust our goals for my swimming. On Sunday morning I arrived early at the pool (an hour early to be exact ... as parent didn't figure out daylight saving). I had to wait for Anna to finish but then when the little boy before me went in, I was allowed in in my wetsuit, flippers and arm bands. I was able to swim SEVEN lengths on my own before it was time for my lesson.

lots of loves Rosie XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

p.s. this is a sparrow at the park

Friday 25 March 2011


dear A. Tehzeeb,
I am having my first night at what is called 'respite care'. It is to give me a break from my parents. Yesterday I went to school with my trolley bag all packed. After school the taxi took me out past Porirua to my accomodation. It is a new home with grandparents Tom and Robyn there to look after all my needs. There is a trampoline and a computer. This time I am only staying one night but then most months I will be able to have sleepovers for two-three nights at a time. It is all very exciting.
lots of loves

p.s. this is me gardening. I get the scissors from the kitchen and put on the gumboots at the back door. Then I progress across the lawn.. very hard to do in such big boots and snip the flowers.

Saturday 12 March 2011

Black and White

dear Mel,
It was great to see you again today. It has been a while. Thanks for taking me down to the new park by the drama school.
I'm sorry for not keeping my iceblock on my stick :(
I forgot to tell you how much fun school is a the moment but I miss my friends from last year who are out at the new school buildings in NaeNae. I am making new friends and also I am the big girl in the class now and it is my responsibility to spray the big tables each morning. I am good at spraying. Not so good at wiping
love and hugs