Sunday 31 May 2009

It is all about the weather

dear Mel

I am putting together another box of toys and clothes for the little girl in Nelson. It was a sad story to think of her without clothes and without toys.

Today I have gone out with Juanita on an adventure. It was just too hard to stay around the house a moment longer. This morning I got up and Daddy dressed and told me I was going to school. We even packed my school lunch and he got as far as opening the front door when he realised that today was a school holiday.


lots of love


Saturday 30 May 2009


dear Eleanor,

I put my name on a website and it described me like this

"Your birthday is on the 23rd, which makes your birth number 5.CHARM is your middle name! And there's nothing insincere about your character either. You truly like being around people. Your friends bring out your best side -- a genuine wit and honesty that draw people to you like flies to honey.Part of your attraction is that you're a HEALING woman. Even if your career has nothing to do with medicine or the healing arts, people will seek you out for emotional and spiritual healing.Another reason people are drawn to you is your independence and self-sufficiency. Your friends and loved ones most likely want to be around you in hopes that your character will rub off on them!

Your Destiny number;You certainly are a joy to be around! Your optimism combined with your enthusiasm and ever-smiling face make you a very popular woman.Have you every wondered why you're this way? Well, the reason for your ability to provide a cheerful life counterpoint is that you're under the influence of a 3 Destiny. Women with this destiny are rarely forgotten by society. They're charming, outgoing and filled with joy and pleasure.It's no wonder your motto probably is "smile and the world smiles with you!"

In order to fulfill your personal destiny, it's important to accept that there are certain things you must be, do, and accomplish in your life.

Do you get the feeling you're here in this life for a REASON? Do you constantly believe that you're on a grand mission to try to "right other peoples' wrongs"?Well, there's a reason for these strong fellow feelings within you, my friend. You travel on the 33 Lifepath, a path that constantly leads you into situations that bring out the kind and gentle side in you!Women who walk this

Lifepath are typically encouraged to use their caring, nurturing side in order to help prevent others from suffering, but in a more objective manner, in the role of arbitrator.

Your Intuitive Plane;You've no doubt heard the expression "there's more than one way to skin a cat:" well, that's you, bringing your own unique solutions to any number of problems. You're not afraid to experiment or bet on a long shot, as long as you think it will get you the results you're after.

More often than not, giving too much thought to matters is counterproductive! But you don't need to because you have such excellent intuitions. You'll be much better off if you just go ahead and trust your first impressions.Whether you're part of the action or watching from the sidelines, you're one of life's major supporters. Your enthusiasm is contagious, and you can persuade others to see things your way. Ultimately, you benefit by having some sort of guiding principle to live by. This could be as vague as "leaning to the left" politically, feeling called upon to feed the homeless, or supporting a "right to life" group.

You're quite a proud, brave and confident woman. At least, that's the impression you give to others. Even if on the inside you're a quaking bowl of Jell-O, the outside face you present is one of dynamic courage, independence and innovation!The reason you're able to have such a FORCEFUL and DYNAMIC appearance is that you have a 1 Outer Personality. With this type of Outer Personality, you can expect to be able to take control of anything-even life-and run it efficiently and successfully. What a terrific personality to have!

Women with the 1 Outer Personality are self-starters who just aren't cut out for a 9-to-5 job routine. If you've always hated punching that time clock, now you know why! You don't restrict yourself to a 40-hour week with this personality. Instead, you'll work as long as it takes to get the job-ANY job-done.

What truly makes you happy;What a fascinating individual you are!You combine the characteristics of modesty, graciousness and good taste with the desire to learn from inspiring teachers and illuminating lecturers. Although you enjoy being behind the scenes, from time to time your light shines forth, and then people are really wowed!The reason for your compelling character traits and inner drive lies in the fact that you're under the influence of an 11 Soul Urge. People with this Soul Urge tend to be visionaries who have the ability to see far beyond what would normally be their own limited viewpoints."

How more true could you get


Rosie po XXXXXXXXXxx

Stormy Sunday night

dear Uncle Johnny and Danial,

We had some silent time for Amber this week. I hope she is happy wherever she may be.

Today there was hailstones outside. They are not really stones, more like ice that melts on your tongue. Not that I licked the deck to find out.

Today Krista and Anna and Amelia and Mark all came for brunch, during which I went to bed and slept the afternoon away. That is a good thing to do on a cold Winters day.

lots of love


Friday 29 May 2009

The Threat of a Southerly

dear Uncle Simon

You wouldn't know what the threat of a southerly means. Our whole country, not counting the west coast of the south island is under the threat of cold, very cold with snow at sea level.

The big news is that I won the CUP at school this week. It has taken two years for me to win the CUP. And when you think that there are only 33 students at my school you realise how hopeless I have been at winning this CUP.

I won it for saying PLEASE. I had to say PLEASE with my whole hand. I got a certificate from the PRINCPAL and it says I am outstanding at saying PLEASE with my whole hand. The hand has to come from the mouth and downwards with the arm to the centre of your body. If you do this then you tend to get everything you want. YOU SHOULD TRY IT.

lots of love


Tuesday 26 May 2009

Communication Passport for School


This is my communication passport that school is producing... here is a preview... love Rosie XXX

Introducing Me

My name is Rosie Helene Matheson. I live at home in Brooklyn with my Mummy and Daddy. I am six years old, but am seven very soon. In my life, I have lots of people who love, care and look after me - these include; Mel, Juanita, Eleanor, Briony, Soi, Carolyn (my music teacher) and Xin Xin (my other music teacher). I also have a very special friend called Cas who is Juanita's dog.

My Strengths

- I very able at taking my medicine and doing daily, regular tasks such as bathing and brushing teeth
- I am very good at helping with all chores , I especially like to help Mummy iron and clean the floors.
- I love to swim, in the pool I am able to kick and keep my head above the water when helped floating.
-I am very good at all musical instruments. My listening is also improving every day, I am able to comprehend most requests and do as i'm told...on most occasions :)

Things I Like

- I LOVE to do all the things big kids/adults do, especially, I love cell phones, TV remotes or anything eletronic.
- I really like it when people to talk and sing to me, often I will join in a song!
- I love to help in the kitchen - running the tap, mixing with a wooden spoons and rolling dough is my favourite.
- I also love movement; playing on a swing ond riding on a bike with Eleanor is my idea of a good time!

Things I Dislike

- I don't like missing out on sleep, when I'm tired I can be a bit grumpy
- I really dislike waiting, when something exciting is going to happen - such as the arrival of my school taxi, I would like it to happen now!
- I don't like it when people I love leave :(

My Sight

My sight is pretty good, sometimes I wear my glasses but I am quite able without them. If you hide something from me, I will most likely be able to find it!

Listening and Hearing

My listening skills are very good - I will usually look or respond to you if you speak or interact with me. I sometimes have trouble with understanding what you are trying to say to me, but this is improving every day! Instead of responding in speech I have several signs I know well, these are: 'more', 'toilet', 'finished' and more recently 'please' - I also regularly point and say 'oh' 'oog' to something that interests me.

How I work best and things you can do help

I work best when you give me tasks to do and describe the actions I am to take. I will always respond to music

Ways of managing me that I like (that work well) including physical and behavioural help:

Instead of physically moving me, I am increasingly responding to verbal requests. You may need to tell me several times in a firm voice, though, until I really understand. I work very well if set projects or tasks, and if you are also doing them- such as writing, cleaning etc. I am more likely to work well and individually.

Ways of managing me that I don't like (that don't work) including physical and behavioural help:

If you don't want me to have something or touch somehting breakable, dangerous or special you may need to entertain me or put me onto something else. Simply leaving the thing in front o fme and telling me no, with no alternative, doesn't usually work.

Important people in my life

I have many important people who I love and have in my life- including the people in my introduction (above). There is a big big family around me that is too big to mention. Then there is my Dr Werry and Kelly and Glenda my godmothers and Simon my godfather. My friend is Hope and Elsa who visit me and then my boyfriend is Matt (though he thinks he is Mel's boyfriend).

Most of all I have my roots in Pakistan with Tehzeeb, Zulfiqar, Fatima, Mehmood, Fared, Ghaffar, Lubna, Kandy and Kahan and Sister Nusrat, and my birth family.

Eating and Drinking

I have a very wide eating palate- I will devour most things you give me. At the moment I especially like pizza and pasta. I will always LOVE chocoalate. I might be allergic to honey.

(Thankyou so much Mel for writing this up for me--- love Rosiepo)

Wednesday 20 May 2009

I can eat a sausage all by myself

dear Simon,
Congratulations on getting engaged even if it is in Scotland, which is a long way away and I have never been there.
I bet it isn't as cold and windy as it is here.
Today at school we went to the swimming pool and now there is a hydrotherapy pool which we were allowed to swim in. It is 36 degrees and really fun to be in.
lots of love

Monday 18 May 2009

Mother's Day Morning Tea

dear Grandad,

Yesterday we invited our mummies to school for mother's day morning tea. Mine came but I managed to studiously ignore her for most of the hour. Even when she crouched down beside me I was able to turn my head in the other direction. Not quite sure why mummies would actually come to school. I had three pieces of cake. I had chocolate cake, banana cake and then more chocolate cake. Then I noticed that the mummy had a cup of tea and so I requested it by saying 'tea'. This worked very well. I got my own cup and about six top-ups.

lots of love


Wednesday 13 May 2009

The sun sets in other places also

dear Eleanor,

Do you know that in other countries the sun also goes down and night comes up as well. I got this photo from mummy and she was in another country. I don't think it looks like the sun going down on Waiheke, but she says it is the same sun.
And you see that little boat. You know a whole family lives on that boat and they fish for their food with nets and one of them has to keep using a bucket to take the water out of the boat.
lots of love
Rosie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday 12 May 2009

dear Bill and Janet,

Mummy is coming home tomorrow. We are going to the airport to pick her up after school. I am very happy. But then, I am always very happy , or nearly always.

Did you know that in Cambodia yesterday it was the King's birthday. They had his picture up on the streets with big gold frames around it. He is very young. There was lots of lights and ballooons and fountains playing different colours to celebrate. People were up late at night walking around and all the teenagers were on scooters. When you cross the road, apparently, you just have to walk out very slowly and steadily and everyone drives around you.

lots of love


Sunday 10 May 2009

Birthday Planning

dear Julian and Sabian,

Soon it will be my birthday again. Every year I have a party and everyone I know, or nearly everyone I know, comes to my place. We play music and eat food and drink nice drinks. I get to dress up. It is lots of fun.

How is it in Auckland these days? I haven't seen you both for such a long time. Maybe you could come to visit me on the island in the holidays?

love your cousin,


p.s. this is me with a parrot on my head

Saturday 9 May 2009

Happy Mothers Day

Dear Mummy,

Happy Mother's Day!!

I'm sorry you couldn't be here but I am thinking of you heaps!
Thankyou for another year of looking after me, I really appreciate how much you love and care for me, even when sometimes I am a bit naughty.

I have had a pretty cool week so far, Mel came over yesterday morning and we went round to her place and cleaned up from Matts birthday party the night before - I vacuumed the whole lounge by myself! Last night I stayed up late with Mel watching TV, I didn't get to bed until round 9pm! Even though I had a late night though I still woke at 6 am, something was very funny and I couldn't stop laughing!! Mel came and got me though and we lay in her bed until 9am, then Mel made me eggs on toast while I still lay in bed!!

Miss you heaps, can't wait to see you on Thursday.

Love Rosie

Peace of mind

dear Kelly

Here is another photo from Phnom Penh. It is of a very sad man who has to sit there every day while the birds fly overhead. Once upon a time he could run around and do everything that he wanted. But then one day he was frozen in time and covered in gold and placed in the middle of a traffic island. They didn't even give him a mask to cover his mouth.



Friday 8 May 2009

Imperial Garden Hotel

dear Krista,

Here is a photo of our Daddy's hotel in Phnom Penh. It is close to a buddhist temple but I don't have a photo of that yet. Also it looks out over a very big river. Apparently it is very hot with some mosquitos and lots of people on motor bikes. Whole families travel on motorbikes. There are lots of happy hour cocktails and cheap massages as well.

I hope you are feeling better and are not having to stay in bed.


Rosie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Anna's party

dear Daddy,

In the weekend Mel took me to Anna's place for a party. I bought her a soft toy that you can squeeze and get lots of songs out of. Actually I didn't want to wrap it up to give to her as I liked it very much.

At the party I got to sit at the table and eat chicken nuggets and chips and coke. Mel had my hair up in a bun and good clothes on. It was lots of fun,

lots of love

Rosiepo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

p.s. here is a picture of those birds you like

Monday 4 May 2009

Behind my back

Dear Glenda,

Do you ever get feeling that sometimes people are talking about you and you are not here.. see this example below from my friend Eleanor who came to stay with me in the weekend.

lots of love


"Rosiepo was in great shape when I saw her at the weekend. Her listening seems to have made a quantam leap; I was very impressed. Usually in the mornings when she comes in to spend some cuddle time with me she gets very excited by the glasses and cellphone on the bedside table.

This time she went to pick both things up and when I said "no" she stopped, and looked at me, and then just pointed to each thing in turn and then looked to me for confirmation, then pointed again and looked back at me. She did this for a couple of minutes before climbing back in to bed. Later, she very happily sat on the bed with the cell phone beside her and just looked at it without picking it up. I was really impressed with her self control."

Saturday 2 May 2009

Shalwar Kameez

dear Aunty,

It would be very lovely if you want to make me another Shalwar Kameez. I don't have any that really fit me at the moment. I am now 105 cm tall and still very skinny. I will get Melody to measure me and then send them to you.

Today Melody took me to a birthday party and then we walked on the beach and went to the supermarket. I got to drive the Wiggles car at the supermarket- I needed a rest after all that other activity.

This photo is me with my uncle, going for a walk.

