Saturday 30 May 2009


dear Eleanor,

I put my name on a website and it described me like this

"Your birthday is on the 23rd, which makes your birth number 5.CHARM is your middle name! And there's nothing insincere about your character either. You truly like being around people. Your friends bring out your best side -- a genuine wit and honesty that draw people to you like flies to honey.Part of your attraction is that you're a HEALING woman. Even if your career has nothing to do with medicine or the healing arts, people will seek you out for emotional and spiritual healing.Another reason people are drawn to you is your independence and self-sufficiency. Your friends and loved ones most likely want to be around you in hopes that your character will rub off on them!

Your Destiny number;You certainly are a joy to be around! Your optimism combined with your enthusiasm and ever-smiling face make you a very popular woman.Have you every wondered why you're this way? Well, the reason for your ability to provide a cheerful life counterpoint is that you're under the influence of a 3 Destiny. Women with this destiny are rarely forgotten by society. They're charming, outgoing and filled with joy and pleasure.It's no wonder your motto probably is "smile and the world smiles with you!"

In order to fulfill your personal destiny, it's important to accept that there are certain things you must be, do, and accomplish in your life.

Do you get the feeling you're here in this life for a REASON? Do you constantly believe that you're on a grand mission to try to "right other peoples' wrongs"?Well, there's a reason for these strong fellow feelings within you, my friend. You travel on the 33 Lifepath, a path that constantly leads you into situations that bring out the kind and gentle side in you!Women who walk this

Lifepath are typically encouraged to use their caring, nurturing side in order to help prevent others from suffering, but in a more objective manner, in the role of arbitrator.

Your Intuitive Plane;You've no doubt heard the expression "there's more than one way to skin a cat:" well, that's you, bringing your own unique solutions to any number of problems. You're not afraid to experiment or bet on a long shot, as long as you think it will get you the results you're after.

More often than not, giving too much thought to matters is counterproductive! But you don't need to because you have such excellent intuitions. You'll be much better off if you just go ahead and trust your first impressions.Whether you're part of the action or watching from the sidelines, you're one of life's major supporters. Your enthusiasm is contagious, and you can persuade others to see things your way. Ultimately, you benefit by having some sort of guiding principle to live by. This could be as vague as "leaning to the left" politically, feeling called upon to feed the homeless, or supporting a "right to life" group.

You're quite a proud, brave and confident woman. At least, that's the impression you give to others. Even if on the inside you're a quaking bowl of Jell-O, the outside face you present is one of dynamic courage, independence and innovation!The reason you're able to have such a FORCEFUL and DYNAMIC appearance is that you have a 1 Outer Personality. With this type of Outer Personality, you can expect to be able to take control of anything-even life-and run it efficiently and successfully. What a terrific personality to have!

Women with the 1 Outer Personality are self-starters who just aren't cut out for a 9-to-5 job routine. If you've always hated punching that time clock, now you know why! You don't restrict yourself to a 40-hour week with this personality. Instead, you'll work as long as it takes to get the job-ANY job-done.

What truly makes you happy;What a fascinating individual you are!You combine the characteristics of modesty, graciousness and good taste with the desire to learn from inspiring teachers and illuminating lecturers. Although you enjoy being behind the scenes, from time to time your light shines forth, and then people are really wowed!The reason for your compelling character traits and inner drive lies in the fact that you're under the influence of an 11 Soul Urge. People with this Soul Urge tend to be visionaries who have the ability to see far beyond what would normally be their own limited viewpoints."

How more true could you get


Rosie po XXXXXXXXXxx