Monday 31 December 2007

Castles in the Sand

dear Glenda,
I love it here. This morning mummy started weeding the fernery you planted 20 years ago.
Yesterday these castles were on the beach waiting for the sea to come and carry them away. I wasn't allowed to play amongst them. Sam was at the beach and he played with me again. I can move in the waves now without falling over.
The croissants were a disaster. We are going to wait until we go back to Wellington and can buy them at Le Moulin. They have the best buttery flakey croissants you can imagine.
I walked down the walkway to the sea today but at the bottom I fell over on the road and my mouth was full of blood. I didn't cry much. My new top tooth is coming through.
When is Billy coming over?

Sunday 30 December 2007


dear Jonathan,

You better come soon as now mummy is trying to clean out the gutters and she isn't quite tall enough. Plus she is a bit scared of ladders. You must bring your guitar. Eleanor will be here with her ukelele and I have mine. We can form a band. Judy is going to come over for a concert.

Each day there is fresh bread. The best are the pecan breadrolls, but the focacia is pretty nice and today apparently there will be croissants. Just a very simple life.

Happy New Year,



Saturday 29 December 2007

The Good Life

dear Eleanor,

Only 3 more sleeps until you arrive. We are going to have such fun. Judy has been staying this weekend. Yesterday we walked all the way down the valley to the sea with me pushing the buggy. Then mummy had to push me all the way back home again as I was too tired.

Later we went to the beach. If I wear a wetsuit I am can swim for 20 minutes. There was a boy called Sam who let me play with his boat. He called it a doughnut. It was a larger round ring that had handles so it could be pulled behind a jet boat. We played in the waves on the beach.

I am missing having children to play with. When I try to make friends they don't understand my way of saying hello.

lots of love


Friday 28 December 2007

Merry Christmas to all

Eid Mubarak and Happy Christmas to All,

It has been a long long time since I have written. Mummy has come back from Pakistan and we have driven all the way from Wellington up to Waiheke Island. I love my new home. There is a big deck to play on and stairs to climb. For Christmas Eleanor gave me twinkle lights and they are in the airing cupboard. I can go in there and close the door and be surrounded by sparkling. Tanya and Tenika gave me an underwater torch with four colours. I play with it under my blankets and soon I will be allowed to take it to the beach.

Daddy makes bread each day and mummy makes pecan bread rolls. They are yummy. I get to sit on my pink seat that Kelly gave me and eat my dinner, and my lunch and my breakfast.

Aunty Judy has come to visit for a few days. She has cut my fringe. I had to sit very still and I couldn't do that so daddy held me.
rosiepo XXXXX

Thursday 13 December 2007

Guava season

dear Mummy,

Thankyou for the photo of the guava sellers in Kohat.

Daddy got a bit scared at you travelling out to the village but he is happy now you are back in Islamabad. He said that Uncle Simon was asked to open a cricket match in the village and had to use a megaphone to commentate but you weren't allowed to go because you are a woman.

My niece, Amelia came to my music session and we sang lots of action songs.

Eleanor is getting really good on the ukelele. I test her by sitting on her music book, to see if she can play by memory.

Craig has taught Eleanor how to make omelettes and she is now making the best omelettes for me.

In one week you will be home,



Sunday 9 December 2007

Roses in Pakistan

dear Mummy,

It is nice you have roses in your room to remind you of me. They are very beautiful.
Daddy said your room is quite big with paint peeling off the walls, not a lot of light but good heating. And now that it is winter there are no cockroaches. He said that when I was born and you took me to hospital you counted 50 cockroaches in the room, but they were just little ones.

Eleanor, Daddy and I went to the BBQ at Carolyn's place to celebrate her masters in music therapy. I met her mummy and daddy and other people but I was a bit restless and so we couldn't stay long.

Daddy is a little bit tired looking after me and we are both looking forward to you coming home. I went to the park on Saturday and took off my brace so I could do some more running.

lots of love

Rosiepo XXXXX

Thursday 6 December 2007

Fish Oil

Dear Grandma

After your phonecall there has been a renewed attack on my consumption of fish oil. In France I used to eat a lot of salmon. Those were the days. Then my parents relentlessly fed me omega three capsules. However they had got a bit slack in the past six months. The regime is recommencing.

I think my ear infection is finally gone and my appetite has returned. I ate a whole cheese omelette, bread roll and two museli bars for dinner at Eleanor and Julie's home. I then looked in their fridge for more food but they wouldn't believe that it was possible for me to put any more into my body.


Rosie XX

Tuesday 4 December 2007


dear Julia,

Thankyou for sending the photo from the Becko- practice. I loved the mexican waves.

Did you know that I can now make specific signs for some of my favourite songs. I can request 'twinkle twinkle' and I am learning to sign 'thumbkin' and 'down in the river in a little biddy pool'.

Eleanor took me to the Doctor this afternoon and he thinks my ear infection might finally be gone.

Mummy has arrived in Pakistan.



Sunday 2 December 2007

Indonesian artefacts

dear Aunty Mardiati,

Thankyou for the lovely gift. Daddy had been hiding it but this morning I was allowed to open the bag and take out the block calendar and the wooden cats.

Daddy will be looking after me for the next three weeks as mummy is going to Pakistan. She is going to work on an evaluation of the Lady Health Worker Programme. Eleanor will come and help daddy look after me after school sometimes and in the weekend.

I hope you and your family and work team are all well.

Rosie XX

Saturday 1 December 2007

Running rings around ...

dear Dave,

All that chasey at lunchtime has paid off. I can now officially run. Bit gangly and lots of falling over. I think a little bit less falling over might have resulted in my having one more tooth in my mouth. Still at least I am symmetrical again.

This is the climbing wall at the playground. I am slowly getting better on it.

It was such nice weather in the late afternoon I got to play in the sprinkler again. I even made Daddy go in it. He will go swimming in Lyall Bay but he is a bit of a wooss with the sprinkler.


Rosiepo XX

Margaret's wedding

dear Margaret and Richard,

Congratulations on your marriage. Mummy and Daddy arrived back this evening from your wedding. They showed me this photo of the top of your wedding cake. And they told me there were lots of red roses on the tables at dinner as well.

While they were away at your wedding I got to go to the zoo with Eleanor and her friends. My favourite animal was the guinea pig.

And two more exciting things happened. Yasmine came and stayed overnight with Eleanor and me. And.. I got to watch David Beckham practice on Friday.



Wednesday 28 November 2007


dear Tehzeeb,

I think our Summer is as cold as your winter. Mummy is coming to see you next week- I can see the suitcase being packed with pashmina's and shalwar kameezes, the ones that are not in your wardrobe.

I still have the ear infection and now it is being treated with drops in my ear rather than tablets. I sleep longer than usual.

Yesterday I went to see the orthopaedic surgeon with Daddy. We had to wait 1 1/2 hours. He said that I have to keep the brace on except for when I go swimming or playing on the beach.

Time to go downstairs now to catch the taxi mini van to school. Two of my classmates are in the same taxi as me. One of them is in a wheelchair, the other has a walker. I don't have either. Tony is my taxi driver. He takes me to school and brings me home.

love Rosie XXX

Monday 26 November 2007

Climbing walls

dear Grandad,

Mummy has got it into her head that I should be able to climb. She has started me off on the playground climbing wall. At least I get to take my brace off for it and then in an attempt to provide temptation a museli bar is placed at the top.

I prefer swinging, or seesaws or roundabouts.

My ear infection continues. The antibiotics didn't work. It doesn't bother me that much, just it is very smelly and people are quite impolite in mentioning it.

I had the most wonderful weekend with Eleanor. And the good news is that mummy and daddy are going away again on Friday and Saturday and Eleanor is coming to stay again. They think I don't know but Eleanor told me.

love Rosiepo XXX

Sunday 25 November 2007


dear Aunty Judy,

I am sorry you were sad I didn't come to see you this weekend and I didn't get to come to your grandaughter's birthday party. However I really did need some respite and am feeling much the better for it. I got to go to the beach, and the park. I got to play in the sprinkler on the back lawn and swing on the garden swing. Eleanor and I had a great time.

I hear you are whizz on Trade Me. Mummy is good at buying but not at selling. She tried and experiment with some new french kids clothing and a used pair of pumpkin patch shoes and all anyone was interested in was the shoes.

Looking forward to seeing you on the island. I hope you bring your grandaughter over for me to play with sometime,


Rosie xxxxxx

p.s. these roses are just coming out on our deck

Wednesday 21 November 2007

Omelette with cheese

Dear Eleanor,

I am so happy that I am going to spend the whole weekend with you. Just so that you know, I am learning to make my own omelette. First you sizzle the butter; then you beat the egg with a fork (see photo); then add salt and pepper.

Then you have to grate the cheese (I thought I would just taste some first to make sure it was okay). Then add the eggs to the frypan, make sure they cover the botto
m, add the cheese and with a spatula flip one half of the omelette over the other half so the cheese melts in the middle.


If you can't make omelette I will also eat weetbix with warmed milk.

lots of love

Rosie XXXX

Saturday 17 November 2007

Capuccino Girl

dear Grandma Stella,

Here I am at the airport waiting for Daddy to arrive. It is great to have him home.

Today Eleanor came and took me for a long ride on the back of her bike. We rode along the ridge and I held on tight singing happily. Once back home I got to wear her stylish helmet around home rather than my childish pink one. I climbed up onto the chair and looked in the mirror to see what I looked like. Boy did I look good.

Looking forward to seeing you in the Summer holidays. Did you know that mummy is furnishing the house by buying on Trade Me. She has become a little addicted and has moved beyond furniture to buying clothes for herself and for me. Not that I am complaining.


Rosie XXX

Friday 16 November 2007

Surfing Safari

dear Simon,

Today the Beach Boys came to New Zealand and my dad came home from Indonesia.

The Beach Boys are not the originals even though they sing the original songs. Maybe I can be a Beach Boy one day? At my school they have their own band which has percussion instruments and drums. One day I want to be in the school band. I am not sure what I will be able to play yet.

Apparently Summer has arrived but last week there was a storm with 130 kph winds and every single flower was blown off the Rhododendron.


Rosie McTosie

Thursday 15 November 2007

Life in the Fridge

dear Kelly,

Moving along with the home and living theme. I am still having some difficulty comprehending spaces behind doors. Most spaces behind doors you can move into. Somehow with the fridge you just cannot.

End of the week today. Both my ears are now infected with pseudomonas aeruginosa. I have to eat a horrible tasting tablet which might or might not work.

After school we went to visit the hens before music therapy. Today they were hiding under the bushes in their garden as it was too hot for them in their home.


Rosie XXX

Tuesday 13 November 2007


dear Daddy,

I am sure that one day I will be an excellent house cleaner. At present I just don't seem to be able to get the tops off the containers or to work out how to do that squirting action. Sweeping is a bit more my style. However the other day I did help mummy by handing her items of clothing to iron. Some fell on the floor and when she told me to 'pick it up' I could figure out what was required.

There are big storms today and I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. Mummy took me to school today and I showed her the sensory room. It is very dark and there are long strings of light. I love being in there and when people try to make me leave I shoo them away and pull the curtain back to close the door.

lots of love


Saturday 10 November 2007

Hen Time

dear Daddy,

It is funny hearing your voice come out of the computer. I wish I could see you. I try touching the computer to get closer but mummy gets mad.

Today Yasmine came to visit and we went on a walk. Very close to our house we saw a lady with a hen. She let me pat it and then took me into her front yard where I was allowed to go into the hen house. I crouched down inside and mummy reckons you couldn't tell the difference between my sounds and those of the hens. I was just being very sociable.

The lady said that I can visit any time and just to bring bread and other food to put in the bucket for the hens to eat. The hens are not allowed citrus or onions. The lady then showed me the little door at the back of the hen house where the hens put their eggs. I was allowed to hold an egg. It was so much fun.

love you

Wednesday 7 November 2007


dear Alison,

It is a lovely cup you gave mummy. I am not usually allowed to hold it. I brought these glasses home from school today. They suit me so well.

Daddy is away in Indonesia. I miss him. Today he spoke to me via skype. He could see me on the webcam but he doesn't have a webcam and so I couldn't see him.

Mummy is buying furniture on Trade Me for the Summer. She has bought beds, tables and chairs. She hasn't bought any mosquito nets yet. You will have to come and visit us.

love Rosie

Monday 5 November 2007

Toilet Training

dear Tania,

I am not really into routine. Versatility and flexibility are high on my list of what I appreciate. This is my toilet seat. See- it can also be a hat.

Today Eleanor took me all the way down the hill in the buggy and most of the way back up again. She is very fit.

I went to Taupo in the weekend and I got to see a wonderful fireworks display. I just stood transfixed for 20 minutes as stars sprayed down on me.

Give Tenika a hug from me,

miss you,

love Rosie XXX

Sunday 4 November 2007

Like a Pony

dear Julia,

See- I do learn from school activities. I was able to combine my interest in technology with my budding interest in riding. This is JayDee and he is 12 years old. He is my uncle's dog. The only problem was that he wouldn't get up and walk around with me on his back.

I am glad to be back at school after being away. I am sorry I missed the trip to the wave pool.

Love Rosie

Wednesday 31 October 2007

J&N Clothing Limited

dear Godparents,

Today I came home with a wonderful bib in my bag. It is a thankyou for my photo being on the website of this company that is making clothes for disabled children.

The website still being developed and my picture is on the banner.



Tuesday 30 October 2007

Horses for Courses

dear Jess,

Yesterday I went with the older children to Riding for the Disabled. It was my first time and I got to feed a pony and sit on him. It was very very exciting.

Today Eleanor came and took me for a walk in my buggy. When I got home I was just climbing over it and it tipped me over. I don't usually cry but I got such a fright. Mummy came and put the buggy in the naughty corner (my bedroom) and closed the door. Naughty buggy.


Rosie XXXX

Saturday 27 October 2007

Long Walks

dear Aunty Jenny,

Mum and I are going on long walks, getting fit for the next time you visit. We went down the hill to Le Moulin this morning and bought croissants and brioche with the sugary topping.

Two days ago we went down hill to the Meditteranean Cafe and bought Pizza dough and then climbed the hill again, got home and made yummy pizzas.

I am still trying to learn how to feed myself.

love Rosie XXX

Friday 26 October 2007

Tooth fairies


What has happened? I am only 5 years old! And yes- that is blood.

I have an ear infection again but no fever. It does make me tired though.

Today Hope came over and we started to learn some PECs symbols for different songs I know. I could choose 'wheels on the bus'. Hope could choose all 12 symbols immediately. When we choose the correct symbol we get a little bit of lolly cake.

love Rosiepo XXXX

Thursday 25 October 2007

Bouncing Bouncing All Day Long

Dear Grandma and Grandad,

I learned to bounce at school and now I have this trampoline at home. There is a bouncing song that Carolyn made up and I can bounce when it is sung. There is one verse for bouncing and another verse where you have to stay very still. I haven't quite mastered the second verse action yet.

As you can see it is nearly Summer. It might even warm when you come here later this month, Grandma.

I have another ear infection at the moment. Lots of people have colds and I didn't manage to miss out.

Congratulations on your photo exhibition,

love Rosie XX

Wednesday 24 October 2007

Bridey back in town

Dear Bridey,

I went to see Eleanor's dad last night. He put me in a hammock and I got to swing back and forwards. I also showed him my new wet suit.

It was such a surprise to come from his place and see you at my home. Mummy says you are coming to stay for a while till you are finished your mid-wife exams. That will be lovely.

Did you know that my toilet training has begun? I am not very trained yet. I think it might take a while.

love Rose XX

Monday 22 October 2007

Beata and me

dear Beata,

It has been a long time since I saw you. I am now double the age I was when I left Paris. Did you know I go to school now? A taxi comes and picks me up each morning and drops me home again.

We have Artu's photo on the wall from when he was a baby.

Daddy has been looking after me for three weeks while Mummy was in Pakistan. She bought me back a smocked dress like the ones I used to wear as a baby.

I hope you and Pietre and Artu are all happy,

love you and miss you,

Rosie XX

Friday 19 October 2007


dear Godmother,
I know I don't understand how people can come and go; how they can be there and not be there. However when I come to your home I do know Auntie Sue. She had the basket with the most fun toys that anyone can have. And the bedroom with music in it. Best of all the dogs in the basket singing. Auntie was in touch with the angels of fun.

Come and spend time with us this summer. And please bring Billy,

love you,


Tuesday 9 October 2007

Life on the couch

Dearest Mummy,

In the evenings now this is where I most like to be- curled up with Daddy watching TV and drifting off to sleep. I also get to wear my sunglasses in the shower. My favourite accessory however is my bike helmet. I wear it on the swing seat and Daddy puts on a cowboy hat just so that both our heads are protected.

I forgot to tell you that on our way home from Lara's we stopped at a place with big horses and a goat and had hot chips and coffee. When we got home daddy started pulling plants out of the garden. I tried to help but Daddy got really grumpy and told me that these plants were tulips not weeds. I still don't understand what the problem is

Lots of Love


Sunday 7 October 2007

Roo and Sprocket

Dear big sister Lara,

Dad and I had fun at your place in the country. I liked playing with Roo and Sprocket. And I liked playing in the blanket house with Mowgli and Greta and playing with your computer (at home out computer has a 'don't touch Rosie!' sign on it.

I also like it when Jonathan put the headphones on me. Not only do they look very cool they play music. But my favourite thing was going in the mountain buggy by the river and climbing up the big grass hill and then having an icecream near the cockatoos.

Love Rosie XXXX

Friday 5 October 2007

White Gorilla's

Hi Mum,

I spent two days around at Eleanor's house this week.
On Monday I was sleepy because I got up so early, so I had a kip under El's duvet on the sofa while she made some date scones. There was a white gorilla under the duvet with me...he was almost bigger than me!

When I woke up I got to sit in the kitchen and eat scones while El did the dishes. They weren't quite as good as yours, but with plenty of butter they went down okay. I ate two very fat ones.

On Tuesday the weather was crazy. It's SOOO windy here these days. At first it was sunny and we sat out on the deck with a drink. Then it went cloudy and I played inside with the ukelele. I really liked can see that I was so good I could do it lying down (see tomorrow's photo). Later we walked up to the war memorial on sugarloaf hill. I have a lot more stamina now than a few months ago, and my balance is better going uphill. I did have a momentary lapse of reason when I took a tumble, forgot to put my hands out and got a little graze on my face, but I was brave and didn't cry at all. El put savlon on it later which was much worse than falling over!

On the way up sugarloaf we met a friendly cat who followed us and let me pat him. We took the swing car and had lots of rides together along the path. I understand what to do when El says "feet up!" because I know we don't get to go anywhere otherwise. When I'm alone on the bike I'm very good at steering.

From on top of the hill we could see the rain coming across the harbour, so we rode all the way down the path back to the house. When we got inside there was a huge rain storm and we watched it from the window.

Then we took some more can see that El is nearly as enthusiastic as you are about taking pictures of me. I encourage her, of course, even if her fashion sense isn't quite up to scratch and I got snapped wearing too many colours at once.

Lots of love,
Rosie xxxxxx

Tuesday 2 October 2007


Dear Mummy

I hope you are having lots of fun in Pakistan.

Im sorry to say I've had some problems with daddy. You know how you like me to get up at night and help you watch TV? Well daddy doesn’t! I had to get up about 20 times to help him get used to it. And then later when it was really dark and daddy had gone to sleep I snuck into the lounge and curled up by myself on the sofa with the flicker. And then daddy was walking round the house calling my name- I kept quiet – so funny!.

Lots of love


Monday 1 October 2007


dear Fiona,

It was lovely to see you though I wish you could have come with your car, the exciting one.

I am glad you enjoyed the hot rock massage and WOW. What is WOW? On Monday morning Daddy said he was very tired because of WOW but it was really because he thought it was a school day and got up very early. I have another week of holidays.

You know mummy left on Saturday. We took her to the airport and she had too many bags filled with lots of food and papers. They weighed 35kg. She rang on Monday morning from Dubai.


Rosie XXX

Wednesday 26 September 2007

Cookie Bear

dear Jo,

Cookiebear has settled in well on my bed. I look after him but I am sure he misses you. He fits my t-shirts quite nicely.

It is school holidays and every day there has been a freezing southerly. At least the swimming pool is warm. I play with my swing car up and down the hallway and am getting lots better at steering.

Mum is going away for several weeks. She hasn't told me but I can see the suitcase in the bedroom. She has been on my back to learn some colours, so it will be a bit relaxing for me when she goes, as long as Dad doesn't start.


Rosie XXX

Sunday 23 September 2007

English tea

dear Ghaffarlites,

I am actually able to hold a cup on my own. My friend Eleanor took me to see her dad and this is how he gives me tea. Maybe it is an English tradition?

I am having my first school holidays. I am finally learning how to sleep in. Some mornings I don't get up until 7.00am. I lie in my bed and play with my dolls just like my friend Hope does when she comes to visit me.


Rosie XX

Thursday 20 September 2007

End of Term

dear Evis,

Today was the last day of school for this semester. I wore this lovely dress you gave me last year at this time, when I was in Tirana. It still looks very pretty.

Today at school the teacher's son came and played guitar. I was able to dance to some of the songs by doing my little bounce up and down. I love listening to the guitar.
When I was little, daddy used to take me to the Pompidou Centre on a Sunday and the Vietnamese man would sing 'Proud Mary' for Daddy and then a special song for me.


Rosie XXXX

Wednesday 19 September 2007

Lemons don't taste so good

dear Grandma Stella,

I chose this nice looking yellow fruit out of the fruit bowl but it tasted eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

I hope you can come and visit me this Summer. I am staying on the island in the old house. I am being promised lots of trips to the beach. Mum and Dad are buying me a wetsuit so I can swim in the sea.

A classmate at school turned 8 today and his parents brought in a wonderful cheesecake. I didn't eat any of my bakedbeans for lunch. Who would choose baked beans over cheesecake?
see you at Christmastime,

love Rosiepo.

Super Talker

dear Eleanor,

When can we go biking again?

In circle time today at school I got to use the super-talker. Mum had recorded messages for me. My teacher then recorded messages for me so that after school other people could know what had happened in my day. I got to pat a guinea pig, help make a farewell card, play with water and play outside at lunchtime. I also tried to learn some colours.

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday,

love Rosiepo XXX

Monday 17 September 2007

Chocolate Rooster

dear Helene,

The French Embassy delivered this to our school today for all the students. It was made by their chef.

At school today I had a spa, then played on a swing and in the afternoon I had sports. After school Eleanor took me for my swimming lesson.

Dad is away visiting my grandmother in hospital as she has had a severe heart attack. She is 96 years old.

Did I tell you I was learning to sign. Mainly I do the sign for 'more' and it works very well. People keep doing what I want them to.

love Rose Helene XXX

Friday 14 September 2007


dear Bill,

As you can see I am also very sporty, not that I can run yet. Glad to see you inhaling the fresh sea air with some speed. Bree took me for a fast walk around the block this morning, it took 15 minutes. There is some theory that if I do more physical exercise I will sleep longer. However I do think that dawn should not be missed.

The biggest downer is that there is now a 'no parking' sign on the computer keyboard. I am only allowed access when the sign is not there. How unfair is that?

hope to see you soon, Give Janet a kiss from me.

love Rosie XXX

Thursday 13 September 2007

End of Week


dear Aunty Jenny,

I am glad you came to stay again. I hope you can come again soon. Today I had leftover sausages from last night's dinner party, for lunch.

I went swimming in the morning with the school group and I got to play at the primary school over the road. My new legbrace is supporting my leg very well.

We are still learning colours at school. I just can't seem to get the hang of it.

love Rosiepo XXX

Tuesday 11 September 2007

Leg Brace

dear Godparents,

Today I went to the Orthotic Centre after school to collect my new leg brace. It has lovely purple flowers on it.

The fitting was a little embarrassing as I had drunk a very large pump bottle of water in the car and my huggies pull-ups didn't quite deal with the resulting situation.

There was a shy Sikh gentleman doing the fitting. He was very nice but I wasn't allowed to touch his hat.

Love to you all, Rosie McTosie XXX

Monday 10 September 2007

Fibre Optics

dear Julie,

Today at school I got to sit in a dark room with lots of starry lights. I was transfixed. When the teacher came to check on me I just kept signing 'more', 'more'. Then my Aunty Jenny came with mum to collect me and took me out of the room. Jenny is staying with us for a few days.

The photo is from when Old MacDonalds Farm visited school. I got to feed the lamb with a bottle.

Eleanor has taken me to my swim lesson this afternoon. I am glad she is better.

love Rosie XX


dear Yasmine,

Thankyou for visiting on Saturday. I was so happy to see you again. You know that Eleanor has been very sick. She caught my flu off me.

I went to Staglands yesterday. There were lambs, bunnies, kunikuni pigs and horses. Best of all, there was a swing bridge. While I wasn't that keen on walking on the footpaths, I didn't want any help at all with the bridge. It crosses a river and you can bounce as you walk along and make people very nervous that you might fall through the sides.

love Rosiepo XXXX

Wednesday 5 September 2007

My uncle and his guitar

dear Johnny,

I am starting to learn the sign for 'yes'. You have to make a fist and then wave it up and down. I thought waving both hands furiously and shouting 'eeeeeeee' as I have always done was pretty obvious but that's not the rules.

I am having a bit of trouble following the rules in the classroom. The teachers have a goal of my being still for 10 minutes. They call my constant interest in all that goes on around me 'flitting'.

Mum used this word yesterday to describe me to the man from Capital Support. He was here to assess if I need any additional support. He ended up talking about parent respite. Really I don't see why my parents would need respite from me.

lots of love

Rosiepo XX

Sunday 2 September 2007

Happy Fathers Day

dear Grandad,

Belated happy birthday. Yesterday for Fathers Day I gave Daddy two coasters that I had painted myself at school. He really likes them.

So this week you are off to the Melbourne Fashion Show? I wish I was going with you but I would hate to miss school. Today I got to play on the computer with one of my classmates. I sat on her to make sure I had maximum access.

love Rosie XX